Source code for myst_parser.sphinx_ext.myst_refs

"""A post-transform for overriding the behaviour of sphinx reference resolution.

This is applied to MyST type references only, such as ``[text](target)``,
and allows for nested syntax

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import Any, cast

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.nodes import Element, document
from markdown_it.common.normalize_url import normalizeLink
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.addnodes import pending_xref
from import StandardDomain
from sphinx.errors import NoUri
from sphinx.ext.intersphinx import InventoryAdapter
from sphinx.transforms.post_transforms import ReferencesResolver
from sphinx.util import docname_join, logging
from sphinx.util.nodes import clean_astext, make_refnode

from myst_parser import inventory
from myst_parser._compat import findall
from myst_parser.warnings_ import MystWarnings

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MystReferenceResolver(ReferencesResolver): """Resolves cross-references on doctrees. Overrides default sphinx implementation, to allow for nested syntax """ default_priority = 9 # higher priority than ReferencesResolver (10)
[docs] def log_warning( self, target: None | str, msg: str, subtype: MystWarnings, **kwargs: Any ): """Log a warning, with a myst type and specific subtype.""" # MyST references are warned about by default (the same as the `any` role) # However, warnings can also be ignored by adding ("myst", target) # nitpick_ignore/nitpick_ignore_regex lists # if ( target and self.config.nitpick_ignore and ("myst", target) in self.config.nitpick_ignore ): return if ( target and self.config.nitpick_ignore_regex and any( ( re.fullmatch(ignore_type, "myst") and re.fullmatch(ignore_target, target) ) for ignore_type, ignore_target in self.config.nitpick_ignore_regex ) ): return LOGGER.warning( msg + f" [myst.{subtype.value}]", type="myst", subtype=subtype.value, **kwargs, )
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.document: document for node in findall(self.document)(addnodes.pending_xref): if node["reftype"] != "myst": continue if node["refdomain"] == "doc": self.resolve_myst_ref_doc(node) continue newnode = None contnode = cast(nodes.TextElement, node[0].deepcopy()) target = node["reftarget"] refdoc = node.get("refdoc", self.env.docname) search_domains: None | list[str] = self.env.config.myst_ref_domains # try to resolve the reference within the local project, # this asks all domains to resolve the reference, # return None if no domain could resolve the reference # or returns the first result, and logs a warning if # multiple domains resolved the reference try: newnode = self.resolve_myst_ref_any( refdoc, node, contnode, search_domains ) except NoUri: newnode = contnode if newnode is None: # If no local domain could resolve the reference, try to # resolve it as an inter-sphinx reference newnode = self._resolve_myst_ref_intersphinx( node, contnode, target, search_domains ) if newnode is None: # if still not resolved, log a warning, self.log_warning( target, f"'myst' cross-reference target not found: {target!r}", MystWarnings.XREF_MISSING, location=node, ) # if the target could not be found, then default to using an external link if not newnode: newnode = nodes.reference() newnode["refid"] = normalizeLink(target) newnode.append(node[0].deepcopy()) # ensure the output node has some content if ( len(newnode.children) == 1 and isinstance(newnode[0], nodes.inline) and not (newnode[0].children) ): newnode[0].replace_self(nodes.literal(target, target)) elif not newnode.children: newnode.append(nodes.literal(target, target)) node.replace_self(newnode)
[docs] def resolve_myst_ref_doc(self, node: pending_xref): """Resolve a reference, from a markdown link, to another document, optionally with a target id within that document. """ from_docname = node.get("refdoc", self.env.docname) ref_docname: str = node["reftarget"] ref_id: str | None = node["reftargetid"] if ref_docname not in self.env.all_docs: self.log_warning( ref_docname, f"Unknown source document {ref_docname!r}", MystWarnings.XREF_MISSING, location=node, ) node.replace_self(node[0].deepcopy()) return targetid = "" implicit_text = "" inner_classes = ["std", "std-doc"] if ref_id: slug_to_section = self.env.metadata[ref_docname].get("myst_slugs", {}) if ref_id not in slug_to_section: self.log_warning( ref_id, f"local id not found in doc {ref_docname!r}: {ref_id!r}", MystWarnings.XREF_MISSING, location=node, ) targetid = ref_id else: _, targetid, implicit_text = slug_to_section[ref_id] inner_classes = ["std", "std-ref"] else: implicit_text = clean_astext(self.env.titles[ref_docname]) if node["refexplicit"]: caption = node.astext() innernode = nodes.inline(caption, "", classes=inner_classes) innernode.extend(node[0].children) else: innernode = nodes.inline( implicit_text, implicit_text, classes=inner_classes ) assert try: ref_node = make_refnode(, from_docname, ref_docname, targetid, innernode ) except NoUri: ref_node = innernode node.replace_self(ref_node)
[docs] def resolve_myst_ref_any( self, refdoc: str, node: pending_xref, contnode: Element, only_domains: None | list[str], ) -> Element | None: """Resolve reference generated by the "myst" role; ``[text](#reference)``. This builds on the sphinx ``any`` role to also resolve: - Document references with extensions; ``[text](./`` - Document references with anchors with anchors; ``[text](./`` - Nested syntax for explicit text with std:doc and std:ref; ``[**nested**](reference)`` """ target: str = node["reftarget"] results: list[tuple[str, Element]] = [] # resolve standard references res = self._resolve_ref_nested(node, refdoc) if res: results.append(("std:ref", res)) # resolve doc names res = self._resolve_doc_nested(node, refdoc) if res: results.append(("std:doc", res)) assert # next resolve for any other standard reference objects if only_domains is None or "std" in only_domains: stddomain = cast(StandardDomain, self.env.get_domain("std")) for objtype in stddomain.object_types: key = (objtype, target) if objtype == "term": key = (objtype, target.lower()) if key in stddomain.objects: docname, labelid = stddomain.objects[key] domain_role = "std:" + (stddomain.role_for_objtype(objtype) or "") ref_node = make_refnode(, refdoc, docname, labelid, contnode ) results.append((domain_role, ref_node)) # finally resolve for any other type of allowed reference domain for domain in if == "std": continue # we did this one already if only_domains is not None and not in only_domains: continue try: results.extend( domain.resolve_any_xref( self.env, refdoc,, target, node, contnode ) ) except NotImplementedError: # the domain doesn't yet support the new interface # we have to manually collect possible references (SLOW) if not (getattr(domain, "__module__", "").startswith("sphinx.")): self.log_warning( None, f"Domain '{domain.__module__}::{}' has not " "implemented a `resolve_any_xref` method", MystWarnings.LEGACY_DOMAIN, once=True, ) for role in domain.roles: res = domain.resolve_xref( self.env, refdoc,, role, target, node, contnode ) if res and len(res) and isinstance(res[0], nodes.Element): results.append((f"{}:{role}", res)) # now, see how many matches we got... if not results: return None if len(results) > 1: def stringify(name, node): reftitle = node.get("reftitle", node.astext()) return f":{name}:`{reftitle}`" candidates = " or ".join(stringify(name, role) for name, role in results) self.log_warning( target, f"more than one target found for 'myst' cross-reference {target}: " f"could be {candidates}", MystWarnings.XREF_AMBIGUOUS, location=node, ) res_role, newnode = results[0] # Override "myst" class with the actual role type to get the styling # approximately correct. res_domain = res_role.split(":")[0] if len(newnode) > 0 and isinstance(newnode[0], nodes.Element): newnode[0]["classes"] = newnode[0].get("classes", []) + [ res_domain, res_role.replace(":", "-"), ] return newnode
def _resolve_ref_nested( self, node: pending_xref, fromdocname: str, target=None ) -> Element | None: """This is the same as ````, but allows for nested syntax, rather than converting the inner node to raw text. """ stddomain = cast(StandardDomain, self.env.get_domain("std")) target = target or node["reftarget"].lower() if node["refexplicit"]: # reference to anonymous label; the reference uses # the supplied link caption docname, labelid = stddomain.anonlabels.get(target, ("", "")) sectname = node.astext() innernode = nodes.inline(sectname, "") innernode.extend(node[0].children) else: # reference to named label; the final node will # contain the section name after the label docname, labelid, sectname = stddomain.labels.get(target, ("", "", "")) innernode = nodes.inline(sectname, sectname) if not docname: return None assert return make_refnode(, fromdocname, docname, labelid, innernode) def _resolve_doc_nested( self, node: pending_xref, fromdocname: str ) -> Element | None: """This is the same as ````, but allows for nested syntax, rather than converting the inner node to raw text. It also allows for extensions on document names. """ docname = docname_join(node.get("refdoc", fromdocname), node["reftarget"]) if docname not in self.env.all_docs: return None if node["refexplicit"]: # reference with explicit title caption = node.astext() innernode = nodes.inline(caption, "", classes=["doc"]) innernode.extend(node[0].children) else: caption = clean_astext(self.env.titles[docname]) innernode = nodes.inline(caption, caption, classes=["doc"]) assert return make_refnode(, fromdocname, docname, "", innernode) def _resolve_myst_ref_intersphinx( self, node: nodes.Element, contnode: nodes.Element, target: str, only_domains: list[str] | None, ) -> None | nodes.reference: """Resolve a myst reference to an intersphinx inventory.""" matches = [ m for m in inventory.filter_sphinx_inventories( InventoryAdapter(self.env).named_inventory, targets=target, ) if only_domains is None or m.domain in only_domains ] if not matches: return None if len(matches) > 1: # log a warning if there are multiple matches show_num = 3 matches_str = ", ".join( [ inventory.filter_string(m.inv, m.domain, m.otype, for m in matches[:show_num] ] ) if len(matches) > show_num: matches_str += ", ..." self.log_warning( target, f"Multiple matches found for {target!r}: {matches_str}", MystWarnings.IREF_AMBIGUOUS, location=node, ) # get the first match and create a reference node match = matches[0] newnode = nodes.reference("", "", internal=False, refuri=match.loc) if "reftitle" in node: newnode["reftitle"] = node["reftitle"] else: newnode["reftitle"] = f"{match.project} {match.version}".strip() if node.get("refexplicit"): newnode.append(contnode) elif match.text: newnode.append( contnode.__class__(match.text, match.text, classes=["iref", "myst"]) ) else: newnode.append( nodes.literal(,, classes=["iref", "myst"]) ) return newnode