Source code for myst_parser.mdit_to_docutils.base

"""Convert Markdown-it tokens to docutils nodes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import json
import os
import posixpath
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from datetime import date, datetime
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import docutils
import jinja2
import yaml
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.languages import get_language
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, DirectiveError, directives, roles
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser as RSTParser
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Include
from docutils.parsers.rst.languages import get_language as get_language_rst
from docutils.statemachine import StringList
from docutils.transforms.components import Filter
from docutils.utils import Reporter, SystemMessage, new_document
from docutils.utils.code_analyzer import Lexer, LexerError, NumberLines
from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
from markdown_it.common.utils import escapeHtml
from markdown_it.renderer import RendererProtocol
from markdown_it.token import Token
from markdown_it.tree import SyntaxTreeNode

from myst_parser import inventory
from myst_parser._compat import findall
from myst_parser.config.main import MdParserConfig, UrlSchemeType
from myst_parser.mocking import (
from myst_parser.parsers.directives import MarkupError, parse_directive_text
from myst_parser.warnings_ import MystWarnings, create_warning

from .html_to_nodes import html_to_nodes

    from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment

[docs] def make_document(source_path="notset", parser_cls=RSTParser) -> nodes.document: """Create a new docutils document, with the parser classes' default settings.""" if docutils.__version_info__[:2] >= (0, 19): from docutils.frontend import get_default_settings settings = get_default_settings(parser_cls) else: from docutils.frontend import OptionParser settings = OptionParser(components=(parser_cls,)).get_default_values() return new_document(source_path, settings=settings)
REGEX_SCHEME = re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*):") """RFC 7595: A non-empty scheme component followed by a colon (:), consisting of a sequence of characters beginning with a letter and followed by any combination of letters, digits, plus (+), period (.), or hyphen (-). Although schemes are case-insensitive, the canonical form is lowercase and documents that specify schemes must do so with lowercase letters. """ REGEX_URI_TEMPLATE = re.compile( r"{{\s*(uri|scheme|netloc|path|params|query|fragment)\s*}}" ) REGEX_DIRECTIVE_START = re.compile(r"^[\s]{0,3}([`]{3,10}|[~]{3,10}|[:]{3,10})\{")
[docs] def token_line(token: SyntaxTreeNode, default: int | None = None) -> int: """Retrieve the initial line of a token.""" if not getattr(token, "map", None): if default is not None: return default raise ValueError(f"token map not set: {token}") return[0] # type: ignore[index]
[docs] class DocutilsRenderer(RendererProtocol): """A markdown-it-py renderer to populate (in-place) a `docutils.document` AST. Note, this render is not dependent on Sphinx. """ __output__ = "docutils" def __init__(self, parser: MarkdownIt) -> None: """Load the renderer (called by ``MarkdownIt``)""" = parser self.rules = { k: v for k, v in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod) if k.startswith("render_") and k != "render_children" } # these are lazy loaded, when needed self._inventories: None | dict[str, inventory.InventoryType] = None def __getattr__(self, name: str): """Warn when the renderer has not been setup yet.""" if name in ( "md_env", "md_config", "md_options", "document", "current_node", "reporter", "language_module_rst", "_heading_offset", "_level_to_section", ): raise AttributeError( f"'{name}' attribute is not available until setup_render() is called" ) raise AttributeError( f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'" )
[docs] def setup_render( self, options: dict[str, Any], env: MutableMapping[str, Any] ) -> None: """Setup the renderer with per render variables.""" self.md_env = env self.md_options = options self.md_config: MdParserConfig = options["myst_config"] self.document: nodes.document = options.get("document", make_document()) self.current_node: nodes.Element = options.get("current_node", self.document) self.reporter: Reporter = self.document.reporter # note there are actually two possible language modules: # one from docutils.languages, and one from docutils.parsers.rst.languages self.language_module_rst: ModuleType = get_language_rst( self.document.settings.language_code ) self._heading_offset: int = 0 # a mapping of heading levels to its currently associated node self._level_to_section: dict[int, nodes.document | nodes.section] = { 0: self.document } # mapping of section slug to (line, id, implicit_text) self._heading_slugs: dict[str, tuple[int | None, str, str]] = {}
@property def sphinx_env(self) -> BuildEnvironment | None: """Return the sphinx env, if using Sphinx.""" try: return self.document.settings.env except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def create_warning( self, message: str, subtype: MystWarnings, *, line: int | None = None, append_to: nodes.Element | None = None, ) -> nodes.system_message | None: """Generate a warning, logging if it is necessary. If the warning type is listed in the ``suppress_warnings`` configuration, then ``None`` will be returned and no warning logged. """ return create_warning( self.document, message, subtype, line=line, append_to=append_to, )
def _render_tokens(self, tokens: list[Token]) -> None: """Render the tokens.""" # propagate line number down to inline elements for token in tokens: if not continue # For docutils we want 1 based line numbers (not 0) = [[0] + 1,[1] + 1] for token_child in token.children or []: = # nest tokens node_tree = SyntaxTreeNode(tokens) # move footnote definitions to env self.md_env.setdefault("foot_refs", {}) for node in node_tree.walk(include_self=True): new_children = [] for child in node.children: if child.type == "footnote_reference": label = child.meta["label"] self.md_env["foot_refs"].setdefault(label, []).append(child) else: new_children.append(child) node.children = new_children # render for child in node_tree.children: # skip hidden? if f"render_{child.type}" in self.rules: self.rules[f"render_{child.type}"](child) else: self.create_warning( f"No render method for: {child.type}", MystWarnings.RENDER_METHOD, line=token_line(child, default=0), append_to=self.current_node, )
[docs] def render( self, tokens: Sequence[Token], options, md_env: MutableMapping[str, Any] ) -> nodes.document: """Run the render on a token stream. :param tokens: list on block tokens to render :param options: params of parser instance :param md_env: the markdown-it environment sandbox associated with the tokens, containing additional metadata like reference info """ self.setup_render(options, md_env) self._render_initialise() self._render_tokens(list(tokens)) self._render_finalise() return self.document
def _render_initialise(self) -> None: """Initialise the render of the document.""" self.current_node.extend( html_meta_to_nodes( self.md_config.html_meta, document=self.document, line=0, reporter=self.reporter, ) ) def _render_finalise(self) -> None: """Finalise the render of the document.""" # save for later reference resolution self.document.myst_slugs = self._heading_slugs if self._heading_slugs and self.sphinx_env: self.sphinx_env.metadata[self.sphinx_env.docname]["myst_slugs"] = ( self._heading_slugs ) # log warnings for duplicate reference definitions # "duplicate_refs": [{"href": "ijk", "label": "B", "map": [4, 5], "title": ""}], for dup_ref in self.md_env.get("duplicate_refs", []): self.create_warning( f"Duplicate reference definition: {dup_ref['label']}", MystWarnings.MD_DEF_DUPE, line=dup_ref["map"][0] + 1, append_to=self.document, ) # we don't use the foot_references stored in the env # since references within directives/roles will have been added after # those from the initial markdown parse # instead we gather them from a walk of the created document foot_refs = OrderedDict() for refnode in findall(self.document)(nodes.footnote_reference): if refnode["refname"] not in foot_refs: foot_refs[refnode["refname"]] = True if foot_refs and self.md_config.footnote_transition: self.current_node.append(nodes.transition(classes=["footnotes"])) for footref in foot_refs: foot_ref_tokens = self.md_env["foot_refs"].get(footref, []) if len(foot_ref_tokens) > 1: self.create_warning( f"Multiple footnote definitions found for label: '{footref}'", MystWarnings.MD_FOOTNOTE_DUPE, append_to=self.current_node, ) if len(foot_ref_tokens) < 1: self.create_warning( f"No footnote definitions found for label: '{footref}'", MystWarnings.MD_FOOTNOTE_MISSING, append_to=self.current_node, ) else: self.render_footnote_reference(foot_ref_tokens[0]) # Add the wordcount, generated by the ``mdit_py_plugins.wordcount_plugin``. wordcount_metadata = self.md_env.get("wordcount", {}) if wordcount_metadata: # save the wordcount to the sphinx BuildEnvironment metadata if self.sphinx_env is not None: meta = self.sphinx_env.metadata.setdefault(self.sphinx_env.docname, {}) meta["wordcount"] = wordcount_metadata # now add the wordcount as substitution definitions, # so we can reference them in the document for key in ("words", "minutes"): value = wordcount_metadata.get(key, None) if value is None: continue substitution_node = nodes.substitution_definition( str(value), nodes.Text(str(value)) ) substitution_node.source = self.document["source"] substitution_node["names"].append(f"wordcount-{key}") self.document.note_substitution_def( substitution_node, f"wordcount-{key}" )
[docs] def nested_render_text( self, text: str, lineno: int, inline: bool = False, temp_root_node: None | nodes.Element = None, heading_offset: int = 0, ) -> None: """Render unparsed text (appending to the current node). :param text: the text to render :param lineno: the starting line number of the text, within the full source :param inline: whether the text is inline or block :param temp_root_node: If set, allow sections to be created as children of this node :param heading_offset: offset heading levels by this amount """ tokens = (, self.md_env) if inline else + "\n", self.md_env) ) # remove front matter, if present, e.g. from included documents if tokens and tokens[0].type == "front_matter": tokens.pop(0) # update the line numbers for token in tokens: if = [[0] + lineno,[1] + lineno] @contextmanager def _restore(): current_heading_offset = self._heading_offset self._heading_offset = heading_offset if temp_root_node is not None: # we need to temporarily set the root node, # and we also want to restore the level_to_section mapping at the end current_level_to_section = dict(self._level_to_section.items()) current_root_node = self.md_env.get("temp_root_node", None) self.md_env["temp_root_node"] = temp_root_node yield self._heading_offset = current_heading_offset if temp_root_node is not None: self.md_env["temp_root_node"] = current_root_node self._level_to_section = current_level_to_section with _restore(): self._render_tokens(tokens)
[docs] @contextmanager def current_node_context( self, node: nodes.Element, append: bool = False ) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager for temporarily setting the current node.""" if append: self.current_node.append(node) current_node = self.current_node self.current_node = node yield self.current_node = current_node
[docs] def render_children(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render the children of a token.""" for child in token.children or []: if f"render_{child.type}" in self.rules: self.rules[f"render_{child.type}"](child) else: self.create_warning( f"No render method for: {child.type}", MystWarnings.RENDER_METHOD, line=token_line(child, default=0), append_to=self.current_node, )
[docs] def add_line_and_source_path(self, node, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Copy the line number and document source path to the docutils node.""" with suppress(ValueError): node.line = token_line(token) node.source = self.document["source"]
[docs] def add_line_and_source_path_r( self, nodes_: list[nodes.Element], token: SyntaxTreeNode ) -> None: """Copy the line number and document source path to the docutils nodes, and recursively to all descendants. """ for node in nodes_: self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) for child in findall(node)(): self.add_line_and_source_path(child, token)
[docs] def copy_attributes( self, token: SyntaxTreeNode, node: nodes.Element, keys: Sequence[str] = ("class",), *, converters: dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]] | None = None, aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Copy attributes on the token to the docutils node. :param token: the token to copy attributes from :param node: the node to copy attributes to :param keys: the keys to copy from the token (after aliasing) :param converters: a dictionary of converters for the attributes :param aliases: a dictionary mapping the token key name to the node key name """ if converters is None: converters = {} if aliases is None: aliases = {} for key, value in token.attrs.items(): key = aliases.get(key, key) if key not in keys: continue if key == "class": node["classes"].extend(str(value).split()) elif key == "id": name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(str(value)) node["names"].append(name) self.document.note_explicit_target(node, node) else: if key in converters: try: value = converters[key](str(value)) except ValueError: self.create_warning( f"Invalid {key!r} attribute value: {token.attrs[key]!r}", MystWarnings.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE, line=token_line(token, default=0), append_to=node, ) continue node[key] = value
[docs] def update_section_level_state(self, section: nodes.section, level: int) -> None: """Update the section level state, with the new current section and level.""" # find the closest parent section parent_level = max( section_level for section_level in self._level_to_section if level > section_level ) parent = self._level_to_section[parent_level] # if we are jumping up to a non-consecutive level, # then warn about this, since this will not be propagated in the docutils AST if (level > parent_level) and (parent_level + 1 != level): msg = f"Non-consecutive header level increase; H{parent_level} to H{level}" if parent_level == 0: msg = f"Document headings start at H{level}, not H1" self.create_warning( msg, MystWarnings.MD_HEADING_NON_CONSECUTIVE, line=section.line, append_to=self.current_node, ) # append the new section to the parent parent.append(section) # update the state for this section level self._level_to_section[level] = section # Remove all descendant sections from the section level state self._level_to_section = { section_level: section for section_level, section in self._level_to_section.items() if section_level <= level }
[docs] def renderInlineAsText(self, tokens: list[SyntaxTreeNode]) -> str: # noqa: N802 """Special kludge for image `alt` attributes to conform CommonMark spec. Don't try to use it! Spec requires to show `alt` content with stripped markup, instead of simple escaping. """ result = "" for token in tokens or []: if token.type == "text": result += token.content # elif token.type == "image": # result += self.renderInlineAsText(token.children) else: result += self.renderInlineAsText(token.children or []) return result
# ### render methods for commonmark tokens
[docs] def render_paragraph(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: para = nodes.paragraph(token.children[0].content if token.children else "") self.copy_attributes(token, para, keys=("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(para, token) with self.current_node_context(para, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_inline(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_text(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.current_node.append(nodes.Text(token.content))
[docs] def render_bullet_list(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: list_node = nodes.bullet_list() if token.markup: list_node["bullet"] = token.markup self.copy_attributes(token, list_node, keys=("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(list_node, token) with self.current_node_context(list_node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_ordered_list(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: style = "arabic" if "style" in token.attrs: style = { "decimal": "arabic", "lower-alpha": "loweralpha", "upper-alpha": "upperalpha", "lower-roman": "lowerroman", "upper-roman": "upperroman", }.get(str(token.attrs["style"]), style) list_node = nodes.enumerated_list(enumtype=style, prefix="") list_node["suffix"] = token.markup # for CommonMark, this should be "." or ")" # start is starting number self.copy_attributes(token, list_node, keys=("class", "id", "start")) self.add_line_and_source_path(list_node, token) with self.current_node_context(list_node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_list_item(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: item_node = nodes.list_item() self.copy_attributes(token, item_node, keys=("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(item_node, token) with self.current_node_context(item_node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_em(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: node = nodes.emphasis() self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) with self.current_node_context(node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_softbreak(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.current_node.append(nodes.Text("\n"))
[docs] def render_hardbreak(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.current_node.append(nodes.raw("", "<br />\n", format="html")) self.current_node.append(nodes.raw("", "\\\\\n", format="latex"))
[docs] def render_strong(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: node = nodes.strong() self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) with self.current_node_context(node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_blockquote(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: quote = nodes.block_quote() self.copy_attributes(token, quote, keys=("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(quote, token) with self.current_node_context(quote, append=True): self.render_children(token) if "attribution" in token.attrs: attribution = nodes.attribution(token.attrs["attribution"], "") self.add_line_and_source_path(attribution, token) with self.current_node_context(attribution, append=True): self.nested_render_text( str(token.attrs["attribution"]), token_line(token, 0), inline=True, )
[docs] def render_hr(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: node = nodes.transition() self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_code_inline(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: node = nodes.literal(token.content, token.content) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.copy_attributes( token, node, ("class", "id", "language"), aliases={"lexer": "language", "l": "language"}, ) if "language" in node and "code" not in node["classes"]: node["classes"].append("code") self.current_node.append(node)
@staticmethod def _parse_linenos(emphasize_lines: str, num_lines: int) -> list[int]: """Parse the `emphasize_lines` argument. Raises ValueError if the argument is invalid. """ from sphinx.util import parselinenos hl_lines = parselinenos(emphasize_lines, num_lines) if any(i >= num_lines for i in hl_lines): raise ValueError(f"out of range(1-{num_lines}") return [x + 1 for x in hl_lines if x < num_lines]
[docs] def create_highlighted_code_block( self, text: str, lexer_name: str | None, number_lines: bool = False, lineno_start: int = 1, source: str | None = None, line: int | None = None, node_cls: type[nodes.Element] = nodes.literal_block, emphasize_lines: list[int] | str | None = None, ) -> nodes.Element: """Create a literal block with syntax highlighting. This mimics the behaviour of the `code-block` directive. In docutils, this directive directly parses the text with the pygments lexer, whereas in sphinx, the lexer name is only recorded as the `language` attribute, and the text is lexed later by pygments within the `visit_literal_block` method of the output format ``SphinxTranslator``. Note, this function does not add the literal block to the document. """ if self.sphinx_env is not None: node = node_cls(text, text, language=lexer_name or "none") if number_lines: node["linenos"] = True if lineno_start != 1: node["highlight_args"] = {"linenostart": lineno_start} if isinstance(emphasize_lines, str): try: emphasize_lines = self._parse_linenos( emphasize_lines, len(text.splitlines()) ) except ValueError as err: self.create_warning( f"emphasize_lines: {err}", MystWarnings.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE, line=line, ) if isinstance(emphasize_lines, (list, tuple)): # TODO emphasize_lines in docutils? if "highlight_args" not in node: node["highlight_args"] = {} node["highlight_args"]["hl_lines"] = emphasize_lines else: node = node_cls( text, classes=["code"] + ([lexer_name] if lexer_name else []) ) try: lex_tokens = Lexer( text, lexer_name or "", "short" if self.md_config.highlight_code_blocks else "none", ) except LexerError as err: self.reporter.warning( str(err), **{ name: value for name, value in (("source", source), ("line", line)) if value is not None }, ) lex_tokens = Lexer(text, lexer_name or "", "none") if number_lines: lex_tokens = NumberLines( lex_tokens, lineno_start, lineno_start + len(text.splitlines()) ) for classes, value in lex_tokens: if classes: node += nodes.inline(value, value, classes=classes) else: # insert as Text to decrease the verbosity of the output node += nodes.Text(value) if source is not None: node.source = source if line is not None: node.line = line return node
[docs] def render_code_block(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: lexer =[0] if else None lineno_start = 1 number_lines = False emphasize_lines = ( str(token.attrs.get("emphasize-lines")) if "emphasize-lines" in token.attrs else None ) if "lineno-start" in token.attrs: with suppress(ValueError): lineno_start = int(token.attrs["lineno-start"]) number_lines = True node = self.create_highlighted_code_block( token.content, lexer, lineno_start=lineno_start, number_lines=number_lines, source=self.document["source"], line=token_line(token, 0) or None, emphasize_lines=emphasize_lines, ) self.copy_attributes(token, node, ("class", "id")) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_fence(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a fenced code block.""" # split the info into possible ```name arguments parts = ( if else "").split(maxsplit=1) name = parts[0] if parts else "" arguments = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else "" if (not self.md_config.commonmark_only) and (not self.md_config.gfm_only): if name == "{eval-rst}": return self.render_restructuredtext(token) if name.startswith("{") and name.endswith("}"): return self.render_directive(token, name[1:-1], arguments) if name in self.md_config.fence_as_directive: options = {k: str(v) for k, v in token.attrs.items()} if "id" in options: options["name"] = options.pop("id") return self.render_directive( token, name, arguments, additional_options=options ) if not name and self.sphinx_env is not None: # use the current highlight setting, via the ``highlight`` directive, # or ``highlight_language`` configuration. name = self.sphinx_env.temp_data.get( "highlight_language", self.sphinx_env.config.highlight_language ) lineno_start = 1 number_lines = name in self.md_config.number_code_blocks emphasize_lines = ( str(token.attrs.get("emphasize-lines")) if "emphasize-lines" in token.attrs else None ) if "lineno-start" in token.attrs: with suppress(ValueError): lineno_start = int(token.attrs["lineno-start"]) number_lines = True node = self.create_highlighted_code_block( token.content, name, number_lines=number_lines, lineno_start=lineno_start, source=self.document["source"], line=token_line(token, 0) or None, emphasize_lines=emphasize_lines, ) self.copy_attributes(token, node, ("class", "id")) self.current_node.append(node)
@property def blocks_mathjax_processing(self) -> bool: """Only add mathjax ignore classes if using sphinx, and using the ``dollarmath`` extension, and ``myst_update_mathjax=True``. """ return ( self.sphinx_env is not None and "dollarmath" in self.md_config.enable_extensions and self.md_config.update_mathjax )
[docs] def generate_heading_target( self, token: SyntaxTreeNode, level: int, node: nodes.Element, title_node: nodes.Element, ) -> None: """Generate a heading target, and add it to the document.""" implicit_text = clean_astext(title_node) # create a target reference for the section, based on the heading text. # Note, this is an implicit target, meaning that it is not prioritised, # during ref resolution, and is not stored in the document. # TODO this is purely to mimic docutils, but maybe we don't need it? # (since we have the slugify logic below) name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(implicit_text) node["names"].append(name) self.document.note_implicit_target(node, node) if level > self.md_config.heading_anchors: return # Create an implicit reference slug. # The problem with this reference slug, # is that it might not be in the "normalised" format required by docutils, # # so we store it separately, and have separate logic than docutils # TODO maybe revisit this assumption, or improve the logic try: slug = compute_unique_slug( token, self._heading_slugs, self.md_config.heading_slug_func, ) except Exception as error: self.create_warning( str(error), MystWarnings.HEADING_SLUG, line=token_line(token, default=0), append_to=self.current_node, ) else: node["slug"] = slug self._heading_slugs[slug] = (node.line, node["ids"][0], implicit_text)
[docs] def render_heading(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a heading, e.g. `# Heading`.""" level = int(token.tag[1]) + self._heading_offset # sections are only allowed as a parent of a document or another section # the only exception to this, is if a directive has called a nested parse, # and specifically specified that sections are allowed to be created as children # of its root node (a.k.a match_titles=True) parent_of_temp_root = ( self.md_env.get("temp_root_node", None) is not None and self.current_node == self.md_env["temp_root_node"] ) if not ( parent_of_temp_root or isinstance(self.current_node, (nodes.document, nodes.section)) ): # if this is not the case, we create a rubric node instead rubric = nodes.rubric(token.content, "", level=level) self.add_line_and_source_path(rubric, token) self.copy_attributes(token, rubric, ("class", "id")) with self.current_node_context(rubric, append=True): self.render_children(token) self.generate_heading_target(token, level, rubric, rubric) return # create the section node new_section = nodes.section() self.add_line_and_source_path(new_section, token) self.copy_attributes(token, new_section, ("class", "id")) # if a top level section, # then add classes to set default mathjax processing to false # we then turn it back on, on a per-node basis if level == 1 and self.blocks_mathjax_processing: new_section["classes"].extend(["tex2jax_ignore", "mathjax_ignore"]) # update the state of the section levels self.update_section_level_state(new_section, level) # create the title for this section title_node = nodes.title(token.children[0].content if token.children else "") self.add_line_and_source_path(title_node, token) new_section.append(title_node) # render the heading children into the title with self.current_node_context(title_node): self.render_children(token) self.generate_heading_target(token, level, new_section, title_node) # set the section as the current node for subsequent rendering self.current_node = new_section
[docs] def get_inventory_matches( self, *, invs: str | None, domains: str | None, otypes: str | None, target: str | None, ) -> list[inventory.InvMatch]: """Return inventory matches. This will be overridden for sphinx, to use intersphinx config. """ if self._inventories is None: self._inventories = {} for key, (uri, path) in self.md_config.inventories.items(): load_path = posixpath.join(uri, "objects.inv") if path is None else path"Loading inventory {key!r}: {load_path}") try: inv = inventory.fetch_inventory(load_path, base_url=uri) except Exception as exc: self.create_warning( f"Failed to load inventory {key!r}: {exc}", MystWarnings.INV_LOAD, ) else: self._inventories[key] = inv return list( inventory.filter_inventories( self._inventories, invs=invs, domains=domains, otypes=otypes, targets=target, ) )
[docs] def render_html_inline(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.render_html_block(token)
[docs] def render_html_block(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: node_list = html_to_nodes(token.content, token_line(token), self) self.current_node.extend(node_list)
[docs] def render_image(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: img_node = nodes.image() self.add_line_and_source_path(img_node, token) destination = cast(str, token.attrGet("src") or "") if self.md_env.get( "relative-images", None ) is not None and not REGEX_SCHEME.match(destination): # make the path relative to an "including" document # this is set when using the `relative-images` option of the MyST `include` directive destination = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( self.md_env.get("relative-images", ""), os.path.normpath(destination), ) ) img_node["uri"] = destination img_node["alt"] = self.renderInlineAsText(token.children or []) self.copy_attributes( token, img_node, ("class", "id", "title", "width", "height", "align"), converters={ "width": directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless, "height": directives.length_or_unitless, "align": lambda x: directives.choice(x, ("left", "center", "right")), }, aliases={"w": "width", "h": "height", "a": "align"}, ) self.current_node.append(img_node)
# ### render methods for plugin tokens
[docs] def render_span(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render an inline span token.""" node = nodes.inline() self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.copy_attributes(token, node, ("class", "id")) with self.current_node_context(node, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_front_matter(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Pass document front matter data.""" position = token_line(token, default=0) if isinstance(token.content, str): try: data = yaml.safe_load(token.content) except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError): self.create_warning( "Malformed YAML", MystWarnings.MD_TOPMATTER, line=position, append_to=self.current_node, ) return else: data = token.content if not isinstance(data, dict): self.create_warning( f"YAML is not a dict: {type(data)}", MystWarnings.MD_TOPMATTER, line=position, append_to=self.current_node, ) return fields = { k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in ("myst", "mystnb", "substitutions", "html_meta") } if fields: field_list = self.dict_to_fm_field_list( fields, language_code=self.document.settings.language_code ) self.current_node.append(field_list) if data.get("title") and self.md_config.title_to_header: self.nested_render_text(f"# {data['title']}", 0)
[docs] def dict_to_fm_field_list( self, data: dict[str, Any], language_code: str, line: int = 0 ) -> nodes.field_list: """Render each key/val pair as a docutils ``field_node``. Bibliographic keys below will be parsed as Markdown, all others will be left as literal text. The field list should be at the start of the document, and will then be converted to a `docinfo` node during the `docutils.docutils.transforms.frontmatter.DocInfo` transform (priority 340), and bibliographic keys (or their translation) will be converted to nodes:: {'author':, 'authors': docutils.nodes.authors, 'organization': docutils.nodes.organization, 'address': docutils.nodes.address, 'contact':, 'version': docutils.nodes.version, 'revision': docutils.nodes.revision, 'status': docutils.nodes.status, 'date':, 'copyright': docutils.nodes.copyright, 'dedication': docutils.nodes.topic, 'abstract': docutils.nodes.topic} Also, the 'dedication' and 'abstract' will be placed outside the `docinfo`, and so will always be shown in the document. If using sphinx, this `docinfo` node will later be extracted from the AST, by the `DoctreeReadEvent` transform (priority 880), calling `MetadataCollector.process_doc`. In this case keys and values will be converted to strings and stored in `app.env.metadata[app.env.docname]` See for docinfo fields used by sphinx. """ field_list = nodes.field_list() field_list.source, field_list.line = self.document["source"], line bibliofields = get_language(language_code).bibliographic_fields for key, value in data.items(): if not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, date, datetime)): value = json.dumps(value) value = str(value) body = nodes.paragraph() body.source, body.line = self.document["source"], line if key in bibliofields: with self.current_node_context(body): self.nested_render_text(value, line, inline=True) else: body += nodes.literal(value, value) field_node = nodes.field() field_node.source = value field_node += nodes.field_name(key, "", nodes.Text(key)) field_node += nodes.field_body(value, *[body]) field_list += field_node return field_list
[docs] def render_table(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: # markdown-it table always contains at least a header: assert token.children header = token.children[0] # with one header row assert header.children header_row = header.children[0] assert header_row.children # top-level element table = nodes.table() table["classes"] += ["colwidths-auto"] self.copy_attributes(token, table, ("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(table, token) self.current_node.append(table) # column settings element maxcols = len(header_row.children) colwidths = [100 // maxcols] * maxcols tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=len(colwidths)) table += tgroup for colwidth in colwidths: colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=colwidth) tgroup += colspec # header thead = nodes.thead() tgroup += thead with self.current_node_context(thead): self.render_table_row(header_row) # body if len(token.children) > 1: body = token.children[1] tbody = nodes.tbody() tgroup += tbody with self.current_node_context(tbody): for body_row in body.children or []: self.render_table_row(body_row)
[docs] def render_table_row(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: row = nodes.row() with self.current_node_context(row, append=True): for child in token.children or []: entry = nodes.entry() para = nodes.paragraph( child.children[0].content if child.children else "" ) style = child.attrGet("style") # i.e. the alignment when using e.g. :-- if style and style in ( "text-align:left", "text-align:right", "text-align:center", ): entry["classes"].append(f"text-{cast(str, style).split(':')[1]}") with self.current_node_context( entry, append=True ), self.current_node_context(para, append=True): self.render_children(child)
[docs] def render_s(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a strikethrough token.""" # TODO strikethrough not currently directly supported in docutils self.create_warning( "Strikethrough is currently only supported in HTML output", MystWarnings.STRIKETHROUGH, line=token_line(token, 0), append_to=self.current_node, ) self.current_node.append(nodes.raw("", "<s>", format="html")) self.render_children(token) self.current_node.append(nodes.raw("", "</s>", format="html"))
[docs] def render_math_inline(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: content = token.content node = nodes.math(content, content) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_math_inline_double(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: content = token.content node = nodes.math_block(content, content, nowrap=False, number=None) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_math_single(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: content = token.content node = nodes.math(content, content) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_math_block(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: content = token.content node = nodes.math_block(content, content, nowrap=False, number=None) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_math_block_label(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: content = token.content label = node = nodes.math_block(content, content, nowrap=False, number=None) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(label) node["names"].append(name) self.document.note_explicit_target(node, node) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_amsmath(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: # note docutils does not currently support the nowrap attribute # or equation numbering, so this is overridden in the sphinx renderer node = nodes.math_block( token.content, token.content, nowrap=True, classes=["amsmath"] ) if token.meta["numbered"] != "*": node["numbered"] = True self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) self.current_node.append(node)
[docs] def render_footnote_ref(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Footnote references are added as auto-numbered, .i.e. `[^a]` is read as rST `[#a]_` """ target = token.meta["label"] refnode = nodes.footnote_reference(f"[^{target}]") self.add_line_and_source_path(refnode, token) if not target.isdigit(): refnode["auto"] = 1 self.document.note_autofootnote_ref(refnode) else: refnode += nodes.Text(target) refnode["refname"] = target self.document.note_footnote_ref(refnode) self.current_node.append(refnode)
[docs] def render_footnote_reference(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: target = token.meta["label"] footnote = nodes.footnote() self.add_line_and_source_path(footnote, token) footnote["names"].append(target) if not target.isdigit(): footnote["auto"] = 1 self.document.note_autofootnote(footnote) else: footnote += nodes.label("", target) self.document.note_footnote(footnote) self.document.note_explicit_target(footnote, footnote) with self.current_node_context(footnote, append=True): self.render_children(token)
[docs] def render_myst_block_break(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: block_break = nodes.comment(token.content, token.content) block_break["classes"] += ["block_break"] self.add_line_and_source_path(block_break, token) self.current_node.append(block_break)
[docs] def render_myst_target(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: text = token.content name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(text) target = target["names"].append(name) self.add_line_and_source_path(target, token) self.document.note_explicit_target(target, self.current_node) self.current_node.append(target)
[docs] def render_myst_line_comment(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: self.current_node.append(nodes.comment(token.content, token.content.strip()))
[docs] def render_myst_role(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: name = token.meta["name"] text = token.content rawsource = f":{name}:`{token.content}`" lineno = token_line(token) if else 0 role_func, messages = roles.role( name, self.language_module_rst, lineno, self.reporter ) if not role_func: self.create_warning( f'Unknown interpreted text role "{name}".', MystWarnings.UNKNOWN_ROLE, line=lineno, append_to=self.current_node, ) self.current_node.extend(messages) return inliner = MockInliner(self) _nodes, messages2 = role_func(name, rawsource, text, lineno, inliner) self.current_node += _nodes + messages2
[docs] def render_colon_fence(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a div block, with ``:`` colon delimiters.""" # split the info into possible :::name arguments parts = ( if else "").split(maxsplit=1) name = parts[0] if parts else "" arguments = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else "" if name.startswith("{") and name.endswith("}"): if token.content.startswith(":::"): # the content starts with a nested fence block, # but must distinguish between ``:options:``, so we add a new line assert token.token is not None, '"colon_fence" must have a `token`' linear_token = token.token.copy() linear_token.content = "\n" + linear_token.content token.token = linear_token return self.render_directive(token, name[1:-1], arguments) container = nodes.container(is_div=True) self.add_line_and_source_path(container, token) self.copy_attributes(token, container, ("class", "id")) if name: # note, as per djot, the name is added to the end of the classes container["classes"].append(name) with self.current_node_context(container, append=True): self.nested_render_text(token.content, token_line(token, 0))
[docs] def render_dl(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a definition list.""" node = nodes.definition_list(classes=["simple", "myst"]) self.copy_attributes(token, node, ("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token) make_terms = ("glossary" in node["classes"]) and (self.sphinx_env is not None) with self.current_node_context(node, append=True): item = None for child in token.children or []: if child.type == "dt": item = nodes.definition_list_item() self.add_line_and_source_path(item, child) with self.current_node_context(item, append=True): term = nodes.term( child.children[0].content if child.children else "" ) self.add_line_and_source_path(term, child) with self.current_node_context(term): self.render_children(child) if make_terms: from import make_glossary_term term = make_glossary_term( self.sphinx_env, # type: ignore[arg-type] term.children, None, # type: ignore[arg-type] term.source, term.line, node_id=None, document=self.document, ) self.current_node.append(term) elif child.type == "dd": if item is None: error = self.reporter.error( ( "Found a definition in a definition list, " "with no preceding term" ), # nodes.literal_block(content, content), line=token_line(child), ) self.current_node += [error] with self.current_node_context(item): definition = nodes.definition() self.add_line_and_source_path(definition, child) with self.current_node_context(definition, append=True): self.render_children(child) else: error_msg = self.reporter.error( ( "Expected a term/definition as a child of a definition list" f", but found a: {child.type}" ), # nodes.literal_block(content, content), line=token_line(child), ) self.current_node += [error_msg]
[docs] def render_field_list(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render a field list.""" field_list = nodes.field_list(classes=["myst"]) self.copy_attributes(token, field_list, ("class", "id")) self.add_line_and_source_path(field_list, token) with self.current_node_context(field_list, append=True): # raise ValueError(token.pretty(show_text=True)) children = (token.children or [])[:] while children: child = children.pop(0) if child.type != "fieldlist_name": error_msg = self.reporter.error( ( "Expected a fieldlist_name as a child of a field_list" f", but found a: {child.type}" ), # nodes.literal_block(content, content), line=token_line(child), ) self.current_node += [error_msg] break field = nodes.field() self.add_line_and_source_path(field, child) field_list += field field_name = nodes.field_name() self.add_line_and_source_path(field_name, child) field += field_name with self.current_node_context(field_name): self.render_children(child) field_body = nodes.field_body() self.add_line_and_source_path(field_name, child) field += field_body if children and children[0].type == "fieldlist_body": child = children.pop(0) with self.current_node_context(field_body): self.render_children(child)
[docs] def render_restructuredtext(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render the content of the token as restructuredtext.""" # copy necessary elements (source, line no, env, reporter) newdoc = make_document() newdoc["source"] = self.document["source"] newdoc.settings = self.document.settings newdoc.reporter = self.reporter # pad the line numbers artificially so they offset with the fence block pseudosource = ("\n" * token_line(token)) + token.content # actually parse the rst into our document MockRSTParser().parse(pseudosource, newdoc) for node in newdoc: if node["names"]: self.document.note_explicit_target(node, node) self.current_node.extend(newdoc.children)
[docs] def render_directive( self, token: SyntaxTreeNode, name: str, arguments: str, *, additional_options: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Render special fenced code blocks as directives. :param token: the token to render :param name: the name of the directive :param arguments: The remaining text on the same line as the directive name. """ position = token_line(token) nodes_list = self.run_directive( name, arguments, token.content, position, additional_options=additional_options, ) self.current_node += nodes_list
[docs] def run_directive( self, name: str, first_line: str, content: str, position: int, additional_options: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> list[nodes.Element]: """Run a directive and return the generated nodes. :param name: the name of the directive :param first_line: The text on the same line as the directive name. May be an argument or body text, dependent on the directive :param content: All text after the first line. Can include options. :param position: The line number of the first line :param additional_options: Additional options to add to the directive, above those parsed from the content. """ self.document.current_line = position # get directive class output: tuple[Directive | None, list[SystemMessage]] = directives.directive( name, self.language_module_rst, self.document ) directive_class, messages = output if not directive_class: warn_node = self.create_warning( f"Unknown directive type: {name!r}", MystWarnings.UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE, line=position, ) return ([warn_node] if warn_node else []) + messages if issubclass(directive_class, Include): # this is a Markdown only option, # to allow for altering relative image reference links directive_class.option_spec["relative-images"] = directives.flag directive_class.option_spec["relative-docs"] = directives.path directive_class.option_spec["heading-offset"] = directives.nonnegative_int try: parsed = parse_directive_text( directive_class, first_line, content, line=position, additional_options=additional_options, ) except MarkupError as error: error = self.reporter.error( f"Directive '{name}': {error}", line=position, ) return [error] for _warning in parsed.warnings: self.create_warning( f"{name!r}: {_warning.msg}", _warning.type, line=_warning.lineno if _warning.lineno is not None else position, append_to=self.current_node, ) # initialise directive if issubclass(directive_class, Include): directive_instance = MockIncludeDirective( self, name=name, klass=directive_class, arguments=parsed.arguments, options=parsed.options, body=parsed.body, lineno=position, ) else: state_machine = MockStateMachine(self, position) state = MockState(self, state_machine, position) directive_instance = directive_class( name=name, # the list of positional arguments arguments=parsed.arguments, # a dictionary mapping option names to values options=parsed.options, # the directive content line by line content=StringList(parsed.body, self.document["source"]), # the absolute line number of the first line of the directive lineno=position, # the line offset of the first line of the content content_offset=parsed.body_offset, # a string containing the entire directive block_text="\n".join(parsed.body), state=state, state_machine=state_machine, ) # run directive try: result = except DirectiveError as error: msg_node = self.reporter.system_message( error.level, error.msg, line=position ) msg_node += nodes.literal_block(content, content) result = [msg_node] except MockingError as exc: error_msg = self.reporter.error( f"Directive '{name}' cannot be mocked: {exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc}", nodes.literal_block(content, content), line=position, ) return [error_msg] assert isinstance( result, list ), f'Directive "{name}" must return a list of nodes.' for i in range(len(result)): assert isinstance( result[i], nodes.Node ), f'Directive "{name}" returned non-Node object (index {i}): {result[i]}' return result
[docs] def render_substitution_inline(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render inline substitution {{key}}.""" self.render_substitution(token, inline=True)
[docs] def render_substitution_block(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None: """Render block substitution {{key}}.""" self.render_substitution(token, inline=False)
[docs] def render_substitution(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode, inline: bool) -> None: """Substitutions are rendered by: 1. Combining global substitutions with front-matter substitutions to create a variable context (front-matter takes priority) 2. Add the sphinx `env` to the variable context (if available) 3. Create the string content with Jinja2 (passing it the variable context) 4. If the substitution is inline and not a directive, parse to nodes ignoring block syntaxes (like lists or block-quotes), otherwise parse to nodes with all syntax rules. """ position = token_line(token) # front-matter substitutions take priority over config ones variable_context: dict[str, Any] = {**self.md_config.substitutions} if self.sphinx_env is not None: variable_context["env"] = self.sphinx_env # fail on undefined variables env = jinja2.Environment(undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined) # try rendering try: rendered = env.from_string(f"{{{{{token.content}}}}}").render( variable_context ) except Exception as error: self.create_warning( f"Substitution error:{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}", MystWarnings.SUBSTITUTION, line=position, append_to=self.current_node, ) return # handle circular references ast = env.parse(f"{{{{{token.content}}}}}") references = { for n in ast.find_all(jinja2.nodes.Name) if != "env" } self.document.sub_references = getattr(self.document, "sub_references", set()) cyclic = references.intersection(self.document.sub_references) if cyclic: self.create_warning( f"circular substitution reference: {cyclic}", MystWarnings.SUBSTITUTION, line=position, append_to=self.current_node, ) return # TODO improve error reporting; # at present, for a multi-line substitution, # an error may point to a line lower than the substitution # should it point to the source of the substitution? # or the error message should at least indicate that its a substitution # we record used references before nested parsing, then remove them after self.document.sub_references.update(references) try: if inline and not REGEX_DIRECTIVE_START.match(rendered): self.nested_render_text(rendered, position, inline=True) else: self.nested_render_text(rendered, position) finally: self.document.sub_references.difference_update(references)
[docs] def html_meta_to_nodes( data: dict[str, Any], document: nodes.document, line: int, reporter: Reporter ) -> list[nodes.pending | nodes.system_message]: """Replicate the `meta` directive, by converting a dictionary to a list of pending meta nodes See: """ if not data: return [] output = [] for key, value in data.items(): content = str(value or "") meta_node = nodes.meta(content) meta_node.source = document["source"] meta_node.line = line meta_node["content"] = content try: if not content: raise ValueError("No content") for i, key_part in enumerate(key.split()): if "=" not in key_part and i == 0: meta_node["name"] = key_part continue if "=" not in key_part: raise ValueError(f"no '=' in {key_part}") attr_name, attr_val = key_part.split("=", 1) if not (attr_name and attr_val): raise ValueError(f"malformed {key_part}") meta_node[attr_name.lower()] = attr_val except ValueError as error: msg = reporter.error(f'Error parsing meta tag attribute "{key}": {error}.') output.append(msg) continue pending = nodes.pending( Filter, {"component": "writer", "format": "html", "nodes": [meta_node]}, ) document.note_pending(pending) output.append(pending) return output
[docs] def clean_astext(node: nodes.Element) -> str: """Like node.astext(), but ignore images. Copied from sphinx. """ node = node.deepcopy() for img in findall(node)(nodes.image): img["alt"] = "" for raw in list(findall(node)(nodes.raw)): raw.parent.remove(raw) return node.astext()
_SLUGIFY_CLEAN_REGEX = re.compile(r"[^\w\u4e00-\u9fff\- ]")
[docs] def default_slugify(title: str) -> str: """Default slugify function. This aims to mimic the GitHub Markdown format, see: - - """ return _SLUGIFY_CLEAN_REGEX.sub("", title.lower().replace(" ", "-"))
[docs] def compute_unique_slug( token_tree: SyntaxTreeNode, slugs: Iterable[str], slug_func: None | Callable[[str], str] = None, ) -> str: """Compute the slug for a token. This directly mirrors the logic in `mdit_py_plugins.anchors_plugin` """ slug_func = default_slugify if slug_func is None else slug_func tokens = token_tree.to_tokens() inline_token = tokens[1] title = "".join( child.content for child in (inline_token.children or []) if child.type in ["text", "code_inline"] ) slug = slug_func(title) i = 1 while slug in slugs: slug = f"{slug}-{i}" i += 1 return slug