Source code for myst_parser.inventory

"""Logic for dealing with sphinx style inventories (e.g. `objects.inv`).

These contain mappings of reference names to ids, scoped by domain and object type.

This is adapted from the Sphinx module.
We replicate it here, so that it can be used without Sphinx.

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import functools
import json
import re
import zlib
from import Iterator
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from urllib.request import urlopen

import yaml

    # domain_type:object_type -> name -> (project, version, loc, text)
    # the `loc` includes the base url, also null `text` is denoted by "-"
    from sphinx.util.typing import Inventory as SphinxInventoryType

[docs] class InventoryItemType(TypedDict): """A single inventory item.""" loc: str """The location of the item (relative if base_url not None).""" text: str | None """Implicit text to show for the item."""
[docs] class InventoryType(TypedDict): """Inventory data.""" name: str """The name of the project.""" version: str """The version of the project.""" base_url: str | None """The base URL of the `loc`.""" objects: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, InventoryItemType]]] """Mapping of domain -> object type -> name -> item."""
[docs] def from_sphinx(inv: SphinxInventoryType) -> InventoryType: """Convert from a Sphinx compliant format.""" project = "" version = "" objs: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, InventoryItemType]]] = {} for domain_obj_name, data in inv.items(): if ":" not in domain_obj_name: continue domain_name, obj_type = domain_obj_name.split(":", 1) objs.setdefault(domain_name, {}).setdefault(obj_type, {}) for refname, refdata in data.items(): project, version, uri, text = refdata objs[domain_name][obj_type][refname] = { "loc": uri, "text": None if (not text or text == "-") else text, } return { "name": project, "version": version, "base_url": None, "objects": objs, }
[docs] def to_sphinx(inv: InventoryType) -> SphinxInventoryType: """Convert to a Sphinx compliant format.""" objs: SphinxInventoryType = {} for domain_name, obj_types in inv["objects"].items(): for obj_type, refs in obj_types.items(): for refname, refdata in refs.items(): objs.setdefault(f"{domain_name}:{obj_type}", {})[refname] = ( inv["name"], inv["version"], refdata["loc"], refdata["text"] or "-", ) return objs
[docs] def load(stream: IO, base_url: str | None = None) -> InventoryType: """Load inventory data from a stream.""" reader = InventoryFileReader(stream) line = reader.readline().rstrip() if line == "# Sphinx inventory version 1": return _load_v1(reader, base_url) elif line == "# Sphinx inventory version 2": return _load_v2(reader, base_url) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid inventory header: {line}")
def _load_v1(stream: InventoryFileReader, base_url: str | None) -> InventoryType: """Load inventory data (format v1) from a stream.""" projname = stream.readline().rstrip()[11:] version = stream.readline().rstrip()[11:] invdata: InventoryType = { "name": projname, "version": version, "base_url": base_url, "objects": {}, } for line in stream.readlines(): name, objtype, location = line.rstrip().split(None, 2) # version 1 did not add anchors to the location domain = "py" if objtype == "mod": objtype = "module" location += "#module-" + name else: location += "#" + name invdata["objects"].setdefault(domain, {}).setdefault(objtype, {}) invdata["objects"][domain][objtype][name] = {"loc": location, "text": None} return invdata def _load_v2(stream: InventoryFileReader, base_url: str | None) -> InventoryType: """Load inventory data (format v2) from a stream.""" projname = stream.readline().rstrip()[11:] version = stream.readline().rstrip()[11:] invdata: InventoryType = { "name": projname, "version": version, "base_url": base_url, "objects": {}, } line = stream.readline() if "zlib" not in line: raise ValueError(f"invalid inventory header (not compressed): {line}") for line in stream.read_compressed_lines(): # be careful to handle names with embedded spaces correctly m = re.match(r"(?x)(.+?)\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+?(\S*)\s+(.*)", line.rstrip()) if not m: continue name: str type: str name, type, _, location, text = m.groups() if ":" not in type: # wrong type value. type should be in the form of "{domain}:{objtype}" # # Note: To avoid the regex DoS, this is implemented in python (refs: #8175) continue if ( type == "py:module" and type in invdata["objects"] and name in invdata["objects"][type] ): # due to a bug in 1.1 and below, # two inventory entries are created # for Python modules, and the first # one is correct continue if location.endswith("$"): location = location[:-1] + name domain, objtype = type.split(":", 1) invdata["objects"].setdefault(domain, {}).setdefault(objtype, {}) if not text or text == "-": text = None invdata["objects"][domain][objtype][name] = {"loc": location, "text": text} return invdata _BUFSIZE = 16 * 1024
[docs] class InventoryFileReader: """A file reader for an inventory file. This reader supports mixture of texts and compressed texts. """ def __init__(self, stream: IO) -> None: = stream self.buffer = b"" self.eof = False
[docs] def read_buffer(self) -> None: chunk = if chunk == b"": self.eof = True self.buffer += chunk
[docs] def readline(self) -> str: pos = self.buffer.find(b"\n") if pos != -1: line = self.buffer[:pos].decode() self.buffer = self.buffer[pos + 1 :] elif self.eof: line = self.buffer.decode() self.buffer = b"" else: self.read_buffer() line = self.readline() return line
[docs] def readlines(self) -> Iterator[str]: while not self.eof: line = self.readline() if line: yield line
[docs] def read_compressed_chunks(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: decompressor = zlib.decompressobj() while not self.eof: self.read_buffer() yield decompressor.decompress(self.buffer) self.buffer = b"" yield decompressor.flush()
[docs] def read_compressed_lines(self) -> Iterator[str]: buf = b"" for chunk in self.read_compressed_chunks(): buf += chunk pos = buf.find(b"\n") while pos != -1: yield buf[:pos].decode() buf = buf[pos + 1 :] pos = buf.find(b"\n")
@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=256) def _create_regex(pat: str) -> re.Pattern[str]: r"""Create a regex from a pattern, that can include `*` wildcards, to match 0 or more characters. `\*` is translated as a literal `*`. """ regex = "" backslash_last = False for char in pat: if backslash_last and char == "*": regex += re.escape(char) backslash_last = False continue if backslash_last: regex += re.escape("\\") backslash_last = False if char == "\\": backslash_last = True continue if char == "*": regex += ".*" continue regex += re.escape(char) return re.compile(regex)
[docs] def match_with_wildcard(name: str, pattern: str | None) -> bool: r"""Match a whole name with a pattern, that can include `*` wildcards, to match 0 or more characters. To include a literal `*` in the pattern, use `\*`. """ if pattern is None: return True regex = _create_regex(pattern) return regex.fullmatch(name) is not None
[docs] @dataclass class InvMatch: """A match from an inventory.""" inv: str domain: str otype: str name: str project: str version: str base_url: str | None loc: str text: str | None
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict[str, str]: return asdict(self)
[docs] def filter_inventories( inventories: dict[str, InventoryType], *, invs: str | None = None, domains: str | None = None, otypes: str | None = None, targets: str | None = None, ) -> Iterator[InvMatch]: r"""Filter a set of inventories. Filters are strings that can include `*` wildcards, to match 0 or more characters. To include a literal `*` in the pattern, use `\*`. :param inventories: Mapping of inventory name to inventory data :param invs: the inventory key filter :param domains: the domain name filter :param otypes: the object type filter :param targets: the target name filter """ for inv_name, inv_data in inventories.items(): if not match_with_wildcard(inv_name, invs): continue for domain_name, dom_data in inv_data["objects"].items(): if not match_with_wildcard(domain_name, domains): continue for obj_type, obj_data in dom_data.items(): if not match_with_wildcard(obj_type, otypes): continue for target, item_data in obj_data.items(): if match_with_wildcard(target, targets): yield InvMatch( inv=inv_name, domain=domain_name, otype=obj_type, name=target, project=inv_data["name"], version=inv_data["version"], base_url=inv_data["base_url"], loc=item_data["loc"], text=item_data["text"], )
[docs] def filter_sphinx_inventories( inventories: dict[str, SphinxInventoryType], *, invs: str | None = None, domains: str | None = None, otypes: str | None = None, targets: str | None = None, ) -> Iterator[InvMatch]: r"""Filter a set of sphinx style inventories. Filters are strings that can include `*` wildcards, to match 0 or more characters. To include a literal `*` in the pattern, use `\*`. :param inventories: Mapping of inventory name to inventory data :param invs: the inventory key filter :param domains: the domain name filter :param otypes: the object type filter :param targets: the target name filter """ for inv_name, inv_data in inventories.items(): if not match_with_wildcard(inv_name, invs): continue for domain_obj_name, data in inv_data.items(): if ":" not in domain_obj_name: continue domain_name, obj_type = domain_obj_name.split(":", 1) if not ( match_with_wildcard(domain_name, domains) and match_with_wildcard(obj_type, otypes) ): continue for target in data: if match_with_wildcard(target, targets): project, version, loc, text = data[target] yield ( InvMatch( inv=inv_name, domain=domain_name, otype=obj_type, name=target, project=project, version=version, base_url=None, loc=loc, text=None if (not text or text == "-") else text, ) )
[docs] def filter_string( invs: str | None, domains: str | None, otype: str | None, target: str | None, *, delimiter: str = ":", ) -> str: """Create a string representation of the filter, from the given arguments.""" str_items = [] for item in (invs, domains, otype, target): if item is None: str_items.append("*") elif delimiter in item: str_items.append(f'"{item}"') else: str_items.append(f"{item}") return delimiter.join(str_items)
[docs] def fetch_inventory( uri: str, *, timeout: None | float = None, base_url: None | str = None ) -> InventoryType: """Fetch an inventory from a URL or local path.""" if uri.startswith(("http://", "https://")): with urlopen(uri, timeout=timeout) as stream: return load(stream, base_url=base_url) with open(uri, "rb") as stream: return load(stream, base_url=base_url)
[docs] def inventory_cli(inputs: None | list[str] = None): """Command line interface for fetching and parsing an inventory.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse an inventory file.") parser.add_argument("uri", metavar="[URL|PATH]", help="URI of the inventory file") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--domain", metavar="DOMAIN", default="*", help="Filter the inventory by domain (`*` = wildcard)", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--object-type", metavar="TYPE", default="*", help="Filter the inventory by object type (`*` = wildcard)", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--name", metavar="NAME", default="*", help="Filter the inventory by reference name (`*` = wildcard)", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--loc", metavar="LOC", help="Filter the inventory by reference location (`*` = wildcard)", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", choices=["yaml", "json"], default="yaml", help="Output format", ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", type=float, metavar="SECONDS", help="Timeout for fetching the inventory", ) args = parser.parse_args(inputs) base_url = None if args.uri.startswith("http://") or args.uri.startswith("https://"): try: with urlopen(args.uri, timeout=args.timeout) as stream: invdata = load(stream) base_url = args.uri.rsplit("/", 1)[0] except Exception: with urlopen(args.uri + "/objects.inv", timeout=args.timeout) as stream: invdata = load(stream) base_url = args.uri else: with open(args.uri, "rb") as stream: invdata = load(stream) filtered: InventoryType = { "name": invdata["name"], "version": invdata["version"], "base_url": base_url, "objects": {}, } for match in filter_inventories( {"": invdata}, domains=args.domain, otypes=args.object_type,, ): if args.loc and not match_with_wildcard(match.loc, args.loc): continue filtered["objects"].setdefault(match.domain, {}).setdefault(match.otype, {})[ ] = { "loc": match.loc, "text": match.text, } if args.format == "json": print(json.dumps(filtered, indent=2, sort_keys=False)) else: print(yaml.dump(filtered, sort_keys=False))
if __name__ == "__main__": inventory_cli()