(sphinx/config-options)= # Configuration MyST parsing can be configured at both the global and individual document level, with the most specific configuration taking precedence. ## Global configuration Overriding the default configuration at the global level is achieved by specifying variables in the Sphinx `conf.py` file. All `myst_parser` global configuration variables are prefixed with `myst_`, e.g. ```python myst_enable_extensions = ["deflist"] ``` :::{seealso} Configuration in Docutils, in the [](docutils.md) section. ::: ```{myst-config} :sphinx: :scope: global ``` ### Extensions Configuration specific to syntax extensions: ```{myst-config} :sphinx: :extensions: :scope: global ``` ## Local configuration ```{versionadded} 0.18 ``` The following configuration variables are available at the document level. These can be set in the document [front matter](syntax/frontmatter), under the `myst` key, e.g. ```yaml --- myst: enable_extensions: ["deflist"] --- ``` ```{myst-config} :sphinx: :scope: local ``` ### Extensions Configuration specific to syntax extensions: ```{myst-config} :sphinx: :extensions: :scope: local ``` ## List of syntax extensions Full details in the [](syntax/extensions) section. amsmath : enable direct parsing of [amsmath](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) LaTeX equations colon_fence : Enable code fences using `:::` delimiters, [see here](syntax/colon_fence) for details deflist : Enable definition lists, [see here](syntax/definition-lists) for details dollarmath : Enable parsing of dollar `$` and `$$` encapsulated math fieldlist : Enable field lists, [see here](syntax/fieldlists) for details html_admonition : Convert `
` elements to sphinx admonition nodes, see the [HTML admonition syntax](syntax/html-admonition) for details html_image : Convert HTML `` elements to sphinx image nodes, [see here](syntax/images) for details linkify : Automatically identify "bare" web URLs and add hyperlinks replacements : Automatically convert some common typographic texts smartquotes : Automatically convert standard quotations to their opening/closing variants strikethrough : Enable strikethrough syntax, [see here](syntax/strikethrough) for details substitution : Substitute keys, [see here](syntax/substitutions) for details tasklist : Add check-boxes to the start of list items, [see here](syntax/tasklists) for details