(sphinx/config-options)= # Sphinx configuration options You can control the behaviour of the MyST parser in Sphinx by modifying your `conf.py` file. To do so, use the keywords beginning `myst_`. `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Description * - `myst_commonmark_only` - `False` - If `True` convert text as strict CommonMark (all options below are then ignored). Note that strict CommonMark is unable to parse any directives, including the `toctree` directive, thus limiting MyST parser to single-page documentations. Use in conjunction with [sphinx-external-toc](https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-external-toc) Sphinx extension to counter this limitation. * - `myst_disable_syntax` - () - List of markdown syntax elements to disable, see the [markdown-it parser guide](markdown_it:using). * - `myst_enable_extensions` - `["dollarmath"]` - Enable Markdown extensions, [see here](../syntax/optional.md) for details. * - `myst_url_schemes` - `None` - [URI schemes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_URI_schemes) that will be recognised as external URLs in `[](scheme:loc)` syntax, or set `None` to recognise all. Other links will be resolved as internal cross-references. * - `myst_linkify_fuzzy_links` - `True` - If `False`, only links that contain a scheme (such as `http`) will be recognised as external links. * - `myst_heading_anchors` - `None` - Enable auto-generated heading anchors, up to a maximum level, [see here](syntax/header-anchors) for details. * - `myst_heading_slug_func` - `None` - Use the specified function to auto-generate heading anchors, [see here](syntax/header-anchors) for details. * - `myst_substitutions` - `{}` - A mapping of keys to substitutions, used globally for all MyST documents when the "substitution" extension is enabled. * - `myst_html_meta` - `{}` - A mapping of keys to HTML metadata, used globally for all MyST documents. See [](syntax/html_meta). * - `myst_footnote_transition` - `True` - Place a transition before any footnotes. * - `myst_words_per_minute` - `200` - Reading speed used to calculate `` {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` `` ````` List of extensions: - "amsmath": enable direct parsing of [amsmath](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) LaTeX equations - "colon_fence": Enable code fences using `:::` delimiters, [see here](syntax/colon_fence) for details - "deflist": Enable definition lists, [see here](syntax/definition-lists) for details - "dollarmath": Enable parsing of dollar `$` and `$$` encapsulated math - "html_admonition": Convert `
` elements to sphinx admonition nodes, see the [HTML admonition syntax](syntax/html-admonition) for details - "fieldlist": Enable field lists, [see here](syntax/fieldlists) for details - "html_image": Convert HTML `` elements to sphinx image nodes, see the [image syntax](syntax/images) for details - "linkify": automatically identify "bare" web URLs and add hyperlinks - "replacements": automatically convert some common typographic texts - "smartquotes": automatically convert standard quotations to their opening/closing variants - "substitution": substitute keys, see the [substitutions syntax](syntax/substitutions) for details - "tasklist": add check-boxes to the start of list items, see the [tasklist syntax](syntax/tasklists) for details Math specific, when `"dollarmath"` activated, see the [Math syntax](syntax/math) for more details: `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Description * - `myst_dmath_double_inline` - `False` - Allow display math (i.e. `$$`) within an inline context * - `myst_dmath_allow_labels` - `True` - Parse `$$...$$ (label)` syntax * - `myst_dmath_allow_space` - `True` - If False then inline math will only be parsed if there are no initial/final spaces, e.g. `$a$` but not `$ a$` or `$a $` * - `myst_dmath_allow_digits` - `True` - If False then inline math will only be parsed if there are no initial/final digits, e.g. `$a$` but not `1$a$` or `$a$2` (this is useful for using `$` as currency) * - `myst_amsmath_enable` - `False` - Enable direct parsing of [amsmath LaTeX environments](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) * - `myst_update_mathjax` - `True` - If using [sphinx.ext.mathjax](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/math.html#module-sphinx.ext.mathjax) (the default) then `mathjax_config` will be updated, to ignore `$` delimiters and LaTeX environments, which should instead be handled by `myst_dmath_enable` and `myst_amsmath_enable` respectively. ````` ## Disable markdown syntax for the parser If you'd like to either enable or disable custom markdown syntax, use `myst_disable_syntax`. Anything in this list will no longer be parsed by the MyST parser. For example, to disable the `emphasis` in-line syntax, use this configuration: ```python myst_disable_syntax = ["emphasis"] ``` emphasis syntax will now be disabled. For example, the following will be rendered *without* any italics: ```md *emphasis is now disabled* ``` For a list of all the syntax elements you can disable, see the [markdown-it parser guide](markdown_it:using).