API Reference

Directive Parsing Reference

Fenced code blocks are parsed as directives, if the block starts with {directive_name}, followed by arguments on the same line.

Directive options are read from a YAML block, if the first content line starts with ---, e.g.

```{directive_name} arguments
option1: name
option2: |
    Longer text block

Or the option block will be parsed if the first content line starts with :, as a YAML block consisting of every line that starts with a :, e.g.

```{directive_name} arguments
:option1: name
:option2: other


If the first line of a directive’s content is blank, this will be stripped from the content. This is to allow for separation between the option block and content.

exception myst_parser.parse_directives.DirectiveParsingError[source]

Raise on parsing/validation error.

myst_parser.parse_directives.parse_directive_text(directive_class: Type[docutils.parsers.rst.Directive], first_line: str, content: str, validate_options: bool = True)[source]

Parse (and validate) the full directive text.

  • first_line – The text on the same line as the directive name. May be an argument or body text, dependent on the directive

  • content – All text after the first line. Can include options.

  • validate_options – Whether to validate the values of options

myst_parser.parse_directives.parse_directive_options(content: str, directive_class: Type[docutils.parsers.rst.Directive], validate: bool = True)[source]

Parse (and validate) the directive option section.

myst_parser.parse_directives.parse_directive_arguments(directive, arg_text)[source]

Parse (and validate) the directive argument section.

MyST Renderers

These renderers take the markdown-it parsed token stream and convert it to the docutils AST. The sphinx renderer is a subclass of the docutils one, with some additional methods only available via sphinx .e.g. multi-document cross-referencing.


class myst_parser.docutils_renderer.DocutilsRenderer(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: markdown_it.renderer.RendererProtocol

A markdown-it-py renderer to populate (in-place) a docutils.document AST.

Note, this render is not dependent on Sphinx.

__output__: ClassVar[str] = 'docutils'
__init__(parser: markdown_it.main.MarkdownIt)None[source]

Load the renderer (called by MarkdownIt)

render(tokens: Sequence[markdown_it.token.Token], options, md_env: MutableMapping[str, Any])docutils.nodes.document[source]

Run the render on a token stream.

  • tokens – list on block tokens to render

  • options – params of parser instance

  • md_env – the markdown-it environment sandbox associated with the tokens, containing additional metadata like reference info

nested_render_text(text: str, lineno: int)None[source]

Render unparsed text.

current_node_context(node: docutils.nodes.Element, append: bool = False)Iterator[source]

Context manager for temporarily setting the current node.

add_line_and_source_path(node, token: markdown_it.tree.SyntaxTreeNode)None[source]

Copy the line number and document source path to the docutils node.


class myst_parser.sphinx_renderer.SphinxRenderer(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: myst_parser.docutils_renderer.DocutilsRenderer

A markdown-it-py renderer to populate (in-place) a docutils.document AST.

This is sub-class of DocutilsRenderer that handles sphinx specific aspects, such as cross-referencing.

__output__: ClassVar[str] = 'docutils'
handle_cross_reference(token: markdown_it.tree.SyntaxTreeNode, destination: str)None[source]

Create nodes for references that are not immediately resolvable.

render_math_block_eqno(token: markdown_it.tree.SyntaxTreeNode)None[source]

Render math with referencable labels, e.g. $a=1$ (label).


These classes are parsed to sphinx roles and directives, to mimic the original docutls rST specific parser elements, but instead run nested parsing with the markdown parser.

class myst_parser.mocking.MockInliner(renderer: DocutilsRenderer, lineno: int)[source]

Bases: object

A mock version of docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner.

This is parsed to role functions.

problematic(text: str, rawsource: str, message: docutils.nodes.system_message)docutils.nodes.problematic[source]
class myst_parser.mocking.MockState(renderer: DocutilsRenderer, state_machine: MockStateMachine, lineno: int)[source]

Bases: object

A mock version of docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTState.

This is parsed to the Directives.run() method, so that they may run nested parses on their content that will be parsed as markdown, rather than RST.

parse_directive_block(content: docutils.statemachine.StringList, line_offset: int, directive: Type[docutils.parsers.rst.Directive], option_presets: dict)Tuple[list, dict, docutils.statemachine.StringList, int][source]

Parse the full directive text


(arguments, options, content, content_offset)

nested_parse(block: docutils.statemachine.StringList, input_offset: int, node: docutils.nodes.Element, match_titles: bool = False, state_machine_class=None, state_machine_kwargs=None)None[source]

Perform a nested parse of the input block, with node as the parent.

parse_target(block, block_text, lineno: int)[source]

Taken from https://github.com/docutils-mirror/docutils/blob/e88c5fb08d5cdfa8b4ac1020dd6f7177778d5990/docutils/parsers/rst/states.py#L1927 # noqa: E501

inline_text(text: str, lineno: int)Tuple[List[docutils.nodes.Element], List[docutils.nodes.Element]][source]

Parse text with only inline rules.


(list of nodes, list of messages)

attribution_pattern = re.compile('^((?:---?(?!-)|—) *)(.+)')
block_quote(lines: List[str], line_offset: int)List[docutils.nodes.Element][source]

Parse a block quote, which is a block of text, followed by an (optional) attribution.

No matter where you go, there you are.

-- Buckaroo Banzai
build_table(tabledata, tableline, stub_columns: int = 0, widths=None)[source]
build_table_row(rowdata, tableline)[source]
class myst_parser.mocking.MockStateMachine(renderer: DocutilsRenderer, lineno: int)[source]

Bases: object

A mock version of docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTStateMachine.

This is parsed to the Directives.run() method.

get_source(lineno: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Return document source path.

get_source_and_line(lineno: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Return (source path, line) tuple for current or given line number.

class myst_parser.mocking.MockIncludeDirective(renderer: DocutilsRenderer, name: str, klass: docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc.Include, arguments: list, options: dict, body: List[str], lineno: int)[source]

Bases: object

This directive uses a lot of statemachine logic that is not yet mocked. Therefore, we treat it as a special case (at least for now).

See: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#including-an-external-document-fragment

add_name(node: docutils.nodes.Element)[source]

Append self.options[‘name’] to node[‘names’] if it exists.

Also normalize the name string and register it as explicit target.

Additional Methods


Create a new docutils document.

myst_parser.docutils_renderer.html_meta_to_nodes(data: Dict[str, Any], document: docutils.nodes.document, line: int, reporter: docutils.utils.Reporter)List[Union[docutils.nodes.pending, docutils.nodes.system_message]][source]

Replicate the meta directive, by converting a dictionary to a list of pending meta nodes

See: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#html-metadata

myst_parser.sphinx_renderer.minimal_sphinx_app(configuration=None, sourcedir=None, with_builder=False, raise_on_warning=False)[source]

Create a minimal Sphinx environment; loading sphinx roles, directives, etc.

myst_parser.sphinx_renderer.mock_sphinx_env(conf=None, srcdir=None, document=None, with_builder=False, raise_on_warning=False)[source]

Set up an environment, to parse sphinx roles/directives, outside of a sphinx-build.

  • conf – a dictionary representation of the sphinx conf.py

  • srcdir – a path to a source directory (for example, can be used for include statements)

This primarily copies the code in sphinx.util.docutils.docutils_namespace and sphinx.util.docutils.sphinx_domains.

Sphinx Parser Reference

This class builds on the SphinxRenderer to generate a parser for Sphinx, using the Sphinx parser API:

class myst_parser.sphinx_parser.MystParser[source]

Bases: sphinx.parsers.Parser

Sphinx parser for Markedly Structured Text (MyST).

supported: Tuple[str, ] = ('md', 'markdown', 'myst')

Aliases this parser supports.

parse(inputstring: str, document: docutils.nodes.document)None[source]

Parse source text.

  • inputstring – The source string to parse

  • document – The root docutils node to add AST elements to