Python API

MyST-Parser also has a Python API via the myst_parser package.

The raw text is first parsed to syntax ‘tokens’, then these are converted to other formats using ‘renderers’.


The simplest way to understand how text will be parsed is using:

from myst_parser.main import to_html
to_html("some *text*")
'<p>some <em>text</em></p>\n'
from myst_parser.main import to_docutils
print(to_docutils("some *text*").pformat())
<document source="notset">
from pprint import pprint
from myst_parser.main import to_tokens

for token in to_tokens("some *text*"):
Token(type='paragraph_open', tag='p', nesting=1, attrs=None, map=[0, 1], level=0, children=None, content='', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

Token(type='inline', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=[0, 1], level=1, children=[Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='some ', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), Token(type='em_open', tag='em', nesting=1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='*', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=None, level=1, children=None, content='text', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), Token(type='em_close', tag='em', nesting=-1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='*', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False)], content='some *text*', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

Token(type='paragraph_close', tag='p', nesting=-1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

The Parser

The default_parser function loads a standard markdown-it parser with the default syntax rules for MyST.

from myst_parser.main import default_parser, MdParserConfig
config = MdParserConfig(renderer="html")
parser = default_parser(config)
{'block': ['front_matter',
 'core': ['normalize', 'block', 'inline'],
 'inline': ['text',
 'inline2': ['balance_pairs', 'emphasis', 'text_collapse']}

Any of these rules can be disabled:


renderInline turns off any block syntax rules.

parser.enable("emphasis").renderInline("- *abc*")
'- <em>abc</em>'

The Token Stream

The text is parsed to a flat token stream:

from myst_parser.main import to_tokens
tokens = to_tokens("""
Here's some *text*

1. a list

> a *quote*""")
[t.type for t in tokens]

Inline type tokens contain the inline tokens as children:

Token(type='inline', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=[3, 4], level=3, children=[Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='a list', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False)], content='a list', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

The sphinx renderer first converts the token to a nested structure, collapsing the opening/closing tokens into single tokens:

from markdown_it.token import nest_tokens
nested = nest_tokens(tokens)
[t.type for t in nested]
['paragraph_open', 'ordered_list_open', 'blockquote_open']
print(nested[0].opening, end="\n\n")
print(nested[0].closing, end="\n\n")
print(nested[0].children, end="\n\n")
Token(type='paragraph_open', tag='p', nesting=1, attrs=None, map=[1, 2], level=0, children=None, content='', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

Token(type='paragraph_close', tag='p', nesting=-1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)

[Token(type='inline', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=[1, 2], level=1, children=[Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content="Here's some ", markup='', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), NestedTokens(opening=Token(type='em_open', tag='em', nesting=1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='*', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), closing=Token(type='em_close', tag='em', nesting=-1, attrs=None, map=None, level=0, children=None, content='', markup='*', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False), children=[Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, attrs=None, map=None, level=1, children=None, content='text', markup='', info='', meta={}, block=False, hidden=False)])], content="Here's some *text*", markup='', info='', meta={}, block=True, hidden=False)]


The myst_parser.docutils_renderer.DocutilsRenderer converts a token directly to the docutils.document representation of the document, converting roles and directives to a docutils.nodes if a converter can be found for the given name.

from myst_parser.main import to_docutils

document = to_docutils("""
Here's some *text*

1. a list

> a quote


```{sidebar} my sidebar

<document source="notset">
        Here's some
                a list
            a quote
            my sidebar

The myst_parser.sphinx_renderer.SphinxRenderer builds on the DocutilsRenderer to add sphinx specific nodes, e.g. for cross-referencing between documents.

To use the sphinx specific roles and directives outside of a sphinx-build, they must first be loaded with the in_sphinx_env option.

document = to_docutils("""
Here's some *text*

1. a list

> a quote


```{glossary} my gloassary
<document source="notset">
        Here's some
                a list
            a quote
        <pending_xref refdoc="mock_docname" refdomain="std" refexplicit="False" reftarget="target" reftype="ref" refwarn="True">
            <inline classes="xref std std-ref">
        <definition_list classes="glossary">
                <term ids="term-my-gloassary">
                    my gloassary
                    <index entries="('single',\ 'my\ gloassary',\ 'term-my-gloassary',\ 'main',\ None)">
                <term ids="term-name">
                    <index entries="('single',\ 'name',\ 'term-name',\ 'main',\ None)">

You can also set Sphinx configuration via sphinx_conf. This is a dictionary representation of the contents of the Sphinx


This feature is only meant for simple testing. It will fail for extensions that require the full Sphinx build process and/or access to external files.

document = to_docutils("""

```{tab} Apples

Apples are green, or sometimes red.
    conf={"extensions": ["sphinx_tabs.tabs"]}
<document source="notset">
    <container classes="sphinx-tabs">
            <a classes="item">
            <container classes="ui bottom attached sphinx-tab tab segment sphinx-data-tab-0-0 active">
                    Apples are green, or sometimes red.