(example_syntax)= # The MyST Syntax Guide > {sub-ref}`today` | {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read As a base, MyST adheres to the [CommonMark specification](https://spec.commonmark.org/). For this, it uses the [markdown-it-py](https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py) parser, which is a well-structured markdown parser for Python that is CommonMark-compliant and also extensible. MyST adds several new syntax options to CommonMark in order to be used with Sphinx, the documentation generation engine used extensively in the Python ecosystem. Below is a summary of the syntax 'tokens' parsed, and further details of a few major extensions from the CommonMark flavor of markdown. :::{seealso} For an introduction to writing Directives and Roles with MyST markdown, see {ref}`intro/writing`. ::: MyST builds on the tokens defined by markdown-it, to extend the syntax described in the [CommonMark Spec](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.29/), which the parser is tested against. % TODO link to markdown-it documentation ## Block Tokens Summary Block tokens span multiple lines of content. They are broken down into two sections: - {ref}`extended-block-tokens` contains *extra* tokens that are not in CommonMark. - {ref}`commonmark-block-tokens` contains CommonMark tokens that also work, for reference. In addition to these summaries of block-level syntax, see {ref}`extra-markdown-syntax`. :::{note} Because MyST markdown was inspired by functionality that exists in reStructuredText, we have shown equivalent rST syntax for many MyST markdown features below. ::: (extended-block-tokens)= ### Extended block tokens `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 20 * - Token - Description - Example * - FrontMatter - A YAML block at the start of the document enclosed by `---` - ```yaml --- key: value --- ``` * - Directives - enclosed in 3 or more backticks followed by the directive name wrapped in curly brackets `{}`. See {ref}`syntax/directives` for more details. - ````md ```{directive} :option: value content ``` ```` * - Math - `$$` (default) or `\[`...`\]` characters wrapping multi-line math, or even direct [amsmath](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) LaTeX equations (optional). See {ref}`syntax/math` for more information. - ```latex $$ a=1 $$ ``` * - Table - Standard markdown table style, with pipe separation. - ```md | a | b | | :--- | ---: | | c | d | ``` * - LineComment - A commented line. See {ref}`syntax/comments` for more information. - ```latex % this is a comment ``` * - BlockBreak - Define blocks of text. See {ref}`syntax/blockbreaks` for more information. - ```md +++ {"meta": "data"} ``` * - Footnote - A definition for a referencing footnote, that is placed at the bottom of the document. See {ref}`syntax/footnotes` for more details. - ```md [^ref]: Some footnote text ``` * - Admonitions (optional) - An alternative approach for admonition style directives only, which has the benefit of allowing the content to be rendered in standard markdown editors. See [admonition directives](syntax/admonitions) for more details. - ````md :::{note} *content* ::: ```` ````` (commonmark-block-tokens)= ### CommonMark tokens `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 20 * - Token - Description - Example * - HTMLBlock - Any valid HTML (rendered in HTML output only) - ```html

some text

``` * - BlockCode - indented text (4 spaces or a tab) - ```md included as literal *text* ``` * - Heading - Level 1-6 headings, denoted by number of `#` - ```md ### Heading level 3 ``` * - SetextHeading - Underlined header (using multiple `=` or `-`) - ```md Header ====== ``` * - Quote - quoted text - ```md > this is a quote ``` * - CodeFence - enclosed in 3 or more backticks with an optional language name - ````md ```python print('this is python') ``` ```` * - ThematicBreak - Creates a horizontal line in the output - ```md --- ``` * - List - bullet points or enumerated. - ```md - item - nested item 1. numbered item ``` * - LinkDefinition - A substitution for an inline link, which can have a reference target (no spaces), and an optional title (in `"`) - ```md [key]: https://www.google.com "a title" ``` * - Paragraph - General inline text - ```md any *text* ``` ````` ## Span (Inline) Tokens Summary Span (or inline) tokens are defined on a single line of content. They are broken down into two sections below: - {ref}`extended-span-tokens` contains *extra* tokens that are not in CommonMark. - {ref}`commonmark-span-tokens` contains CommonMark tokens that also work, for reference. In addition to these summaries of inline syntax, see {ref}`extra-markdown-syntax`. (extended-span-tokens)= ### Extended inline tokens `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 20 * - Token - Description - Example * - Role - See {ref}`syntax/roles` for more information. - ```md {rolename}`interpreted text` ``` * - Target - Precedes element to target, e.g. header. See {ref}`syntax/targets` for more information. - ```md (target)= ``` * - Math - `$` (default) or `\(`...`\)` enclosed math. See {ref}`syntax/math` for more information. - ```latex $a=1$ or $$a=1$$ ``` * - FootReference - Reference a footnote. See {ref}`syntax/footnotes` for more details. - ```md [^abc] ``` ````` (commonmark-span-tokens)= ### CommonMark inline tokens `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 20 * - Token - Description - Example * - HTMLSpan - Any valid HTML (rendered in HTML output only) - ```html

some text

``` * - EscapeSequence - Escaped symbols (to avoid them being interpreted as other syntax elements) - ```md \* ``` * - AutoLink - Link that is shown in final output - ```md ``` * - InlineCode - Literal text - ```md `a=1` ``` * - LineBreak - Soft or hard (ends with spaces or backslash) - ```md A hard break\ ``` * - Image - Link to an image. You can also use HTML syntax, to include image size etc, [see here](syntax/images) for details - ```md ![alt](src "title") ``` * - Link - Reference `LinkDefinitions` - ```md [text](target "title") or [text][key] ``` * - Strong - Bold text - ```md **strong** ``` * - Emphasis - Italic text - ```md *emphasis* ``` * - RawText - Any text - ```md any text ``` ````` (syntax/directives)= ## Directives - a block-level extension point Directives syntax is defined with triple-backticks and curly-brackets. It is effectively a code block with curly brackets around the language, and a directive name in place of a language name. It is similar to how RMarkdown defines "runnable cells". Here is the basic structure: `````{list-table} --- header-rows: 1 --- * - MyST - reStructuredText * - ````md ```{directivename} arguments --- key1: val1 key2: val2 --- This is directive content ``` ```` - ```rst .. directivename:: arguments :key1: val1 :key2: val2 This is directive content ``` ````` For example, the following code: ````md ```{admonition} This is my admonition This is my note ``` ```` Will generate this admonition: ```{admonition} This is my admonition This is my note ``` ### Parameterizing directives For directives that take parameters as input, there are two ways to parameterize them. In each case, the options themselves are given as `key: value` pairs. An example of each is shown below: **Using YAML frontmatter**. A block of YAML front-matter just after the first line of the directive will be parsed as options for the directive. This needs to be surrounded by `---` lines. Everything in between will be parsed by YAML and passed as keyword arguments to your directive. For example: ````md ```{code-block} python --- lineno-start: 10 emphasize-lines: 1, 3 caption: | This is my multi-line caption. It is *pretty nifty* ;-) --- a = 2 print('my 1st line') print(f'my {a}nd line') ``` ```` ```{code-block} python --- lineno-start: 10 emphasize-lines: 1, 3 caption: | This is my multi-line caption. It is *pretty nifty* ;-) --- a = 2 print('my 1st line') print(f'my {a}nd line') ``` **Short-hand options with `:` characters**. If you only need one or two options for your directive and wish to save lines, you may also specify directive options as a collection of lines just after the first line of the directive, each preceding with `:`. Then the leading `:` is removed from each line, and the rest is parsed as YAML. For example: ````md ```{code-block} python :lineno-start: 10 :emphasize-lines: 1, 3 a = 2 print('my 1st line') print(f'my {a}nd line') ``` ```` (syntax/directives/parsing)= ### How directives parse content Some directives parse the content that is in their content block. MyST parses this content **as Markdown**. This means that MyST markdown can be written in the content areas of any directives written in MyST markdown. For example: ````md ```{admonition} My markdown link Here is [markdown link syntax](https://jupyter.org) ``` ```` ```{admonition} My markdown link Here is [markdown link syntax](https://jupyter.org) ``` As a short-hand for directives that require no arguments, and when no parameter options are used (see below), you may start the content directly after the directive name. ````md ```{note} Notes require **no** arguments, so content can start here. ``` ```` ```{note} Notes require **no** arguments, so content can start here. ``` For special cases, MySt also offers the `eval-rst` directive. This will parse the content **as ReStructuredText**: ````md ```{eval-rst} .. figure:: img/fun-fish.png :width: 100px :name: rst-fun-fish Party time! A reference from inside: :ref:`rst-fun-fish` A reference from outside: :ref:`syntax/directives/parsing` ``` ```` ```{eval-rst} .. figure:: img/fun-fish.png :width: 100px :name: rst-fun-fish Party time! A reference from inside: :ref:`rst-fun-fish` A reference from outside: :ref:`syntax/directives/parsing` ``` Note how the text is integrated into the rest of the document, so we can also reference [party fish](rst-fun-fish) anywhere else in the documentation. ### Nesting directives You can nest directives by ensuring that the tick-lines corresponding to the outermost directive are longer than the tick-lines for the inner directives. For example, nest a warning inside a note block like so: `````md ````{note} The next info should be nested ```{warning} Here's my warning ``` ```` ````` Here's how it looks rendered: ````{note} The next info should be nested ```{warning} Here's my warning ``` ```` You can indent inner-code fences, so long as they aren't indented by more than 3 spaces. Otherwise, they will be rendered as "raw code" blocks: `````md ````{note} The warning block will be properly-parsed ```{warning} Here's my warning ``` But the next block will be parsed as raw text ```{warning} Here's my raw text warning that isn't parsed... ``` ```` ````` ````{note} The warning block will be properly-parsed ```{warning} Here's my warning ``` But the next block will be parsed as raw text ```{warning} Here's my raw text warning that isn't parsed... ``` ```` This can really be abused if you'd like ;-) ``````{note} The next info should be nested `````{warning} Here's my warning ````{admonition} Yep another admonition ```python # All this fuss was about this boring python?! print('yep!') ``` ```` ````` `````` ### Markdown-friendly directives Want to use syntax that renders correctly in standard Markdown editors? See [the extended syntax option](syntax/colon_fence). ```md :::{note} This text is **standard** _Markdown_ ::: ``` :::{note} This text is **standard** _Markdown_ ::: (syntax/roles)= ## Roles - an in-line extension point Roles are similar to directives - they allow you to define arbitrary new functionality in Sphinx, but they are used *in-line*. To define an in-line role, use the following form: ````{list-table} --- header-rows: 1 --- * - MyST - reStructuredText * - ````md {role-name}`role content` ```` - ```rst :role-name:`role content` ``` ```` For example, the following code: ```md Since Pythagoras, we know that {math}`a^2 + b^2 = c^2` ``` Becomes: Since Pythagoras, we know that {math}`a^2 + b^2 = c^2` You can use roles to do things like reference equations and other items in your book. For example: ````md ```{math} e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 --- label: euler --- ``` Euler's identity, equation {math:numref}`euler`, was elected one of the most beautiful mathematical formulas. ```` Becomes: ```{math} e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 --- label: euler --- ``` Euler's identity, equation {math:numref}`euler`, was elected one of the most beautiful mathematical formulas. ### How roles parse content The content of roles is parsed differently depending on the role that you've used. Some roles expect inputs that will be used to change functionality. For example, the `ref` role will assume that input content is a reference to some other part of the site. However, other roles may use the MyST parser to parse the input as content. Some roles also **extend their functionality** depending on the content that you pass. For example, following the `ref` example above, if you pass a string like this: `Content to display `, then the `ref` will display `Content to display` and use `myref` as the reference to look up. How roles parse this content depends on the author that created the role. (syntax/roles/special)= ### Special roles ```{versionadded} 0.14.0 The `sub-ref` role and word counting. ``` For all MyST documents, the date and word-count are made available by substitution definitions, which can be accessed *via* the `sub-ref` role. For example: ```markdown > {sub-ref}`today` | {sub-ref}`wordcount-words` words | {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read ``` > {sub-ref}`today` | {sub-ref}`wordcount-words` words | {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read `today` is replaced by either the date on which the document is parsed, with the format set by [`today_fmt`](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#confval-today_fmt), or the `today` variable if set in the configuration file. The reading speed is computed using the `myst_words_per_minute` configuration (see the [Sphinx configuration options](intro/config-options)). (extra-markdown-syntax)= ## Extra markdown syntax In addition to roles and directives, MyST supports extra markdown syntax that doesn't exist in CommonMark. In most cases, these are syntactic short-cuts to calling roles and directives. We'll cover some common ones below. This table describes the rST and MyST equivalents: ````{list-table} --- header-rows: 1 --- * - Type - MyST - reStructuredText * - Math shortcuts - `$x^2$` - N/A * - Front matter - ```md --- key: val --- ``` - ```md :key: val ``` * - Comments - `% comment` - `.. comment` * - Targets - `(mytarget)=` - `.. _mytarget:` ```` (syntax/math)= ## Math shortcuts Math is parsed by adding to the `myst_enable_extensions` list option, in the sphinx `conf.py` [configuration file](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html) one or both of: - `"dollarmath"` (added by default) for parsing of dollar `$` and `$$` encapsulated math. - `"amsmath"` (off by default) for direct parsing of [amsmath LaTeX environments](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath). These options enable their respective Markdown parser plugins, as detailed in the [markdown-it plugin guide](markdown_it:md/plugins). :::{important} `myst_dmath_enable=True` and `myst_amsmath_enable=True` are deprecated, and replaced by `myst_enable_extensions = ["dollarmath", "amsmath"]` ::: ### Dollar delimited math Enabling dollar math will parse the following syntax: - Inline math: `$...$` - Display (block) math: `$$...$$` Additionally if `myst_dmath_allow_labels=True` is set (the default): - Display (block) math with equation label: `$$...$$ (1)` For example, `$x_{hey}=it+is^{math}$` renders as $x_{hey}=it+is^{math}$. This is equivalent to writing: ```md {math}`x_{hey}=it+is^{math}` ``` :::{admonition} Escaping Dollars :class: tip Math can be escaped (negated) by adding a `\` before the first symbol, e.g. `\$a$` renders as \$a\$. Escaping can also be used inside math, e.g. `$a=\$3$` renders as $a=\$3$. Conversely `\\` will negate the escaping, so `\\$a$` renders as \\$a$. ::: Block-level math can be specified with `$$` signs that wrap the math block you'd like to parse. For example: ```latex $$ \begin{eqnarray} y & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\ f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \end{eqnarray} $$ ``` becomes $$ \begin{eqnarray} y & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\ f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \end{eqnarray} $$ This is equivalent to the following directive: ````md ```{math} \begin{eqnarray} y & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\ f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \end{eqnarray} ``` ```` You can also add labels to block equations: ```latex $$ e = mc^2 $$ (eqn:best) This is the best equation {eq}`eqn:best` ``` $$ e = mc^2 $$ (eqn:best) This is the best equation {eq}`eqn:best` There are a few other options available to control dollar math parsing: `myst_dmath_allow_space=False`, will cause inline math to only be parsed if there are no initial / final spaces, e.g. `$a$` but not `$ a$` or `$a $`. `myst_dmath_allow_digits=False`, will cause inline math to only be parsed if there are no initial / final digits, e.g. `$a$` but not `1$a$` or `$a$2`. These options can both be useful if you also wish to use `$` as a unit of currency. ```{versionadded} 0.14.0 `myst_dmath_double_inline` option ``` To allow display math (i.e. `$$`) within an inline context, set `myst_dmath_double_inline = True` (`False` by default). This allows for example: ```latex Hence, for $\alpha \in (0, 1)$, $$ \mathbb P (\alpha \bar{X} \ge \mu) \le \alpha; $$ i.e., $[\alpha \bar{X}, \infty)$ is a lower 1-sided $1-\alpha$ confidence bound for $\mu$. ``` Hence, for $\alpha \in (0, 1)$, $$ \mathbb P (\alpha \bar{X} \ge \mu) \le \alpha; $$ i.e., $[\alpha \bar{X}, \infty)$ is a lower 1-sided $1-\alpha$ confidence bound for $\mu$. ### Math in other block elements Math will also work when nested in other block elements, like lists or quotes: ```md - A list - $$ a = 1 $$ > A block quote > $$ a = 1 $$ ``` - A list - $$ a = 1 $$ > A block quote > $$ a = 1 $$ ### Direct LaTeX Math Want to use [amsmath](https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath) LaTeX directly, with no dollars? See [the extended syntax option](syntax/amsmath). (syntax/mathjax)= ### Mathjax and math parsing When building HTML using the [sphinx.ext.mathjax](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/math.html#module-sphinx.ext.mathjax) extension (enabled by default), its default configuration is to also search for `$` delimiters and LaTeX environments (see [the tex2jax preprocessor](https://docs.mathjax.org/en/v2.7-latest/options/preprocessors/tex2jax.html#configure-tex2jax)). Since such parsing is already covered by the plugins above, MyST-Parser disables this behaviour by overriding the `mathjax_config['tex2jax']` option with: ```python mathjax_config["tex2jax"] = { "inlineMath": [["\\(", "\\)"]], "displayMath": [["\\[", "\\]"]], "processRefs": False, "processEnvironments": False, } ``` Since these delimiters are how `sphinx.ext.mathjax` wraps the math content in the built HTML documents. To inhibit this override, set `myst_update_mathjax=False`. (syntax/frontmatter)= ## Front Matter This is a YAML block at the start of the document, as used for example in [jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/front-matter/). Sphinx intercepts these data and stores them within the global environment (as discussed [here](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/field-lists.html)). The following keys, or their translation (dependent on the set language), are also recognised specifically by docutils and parsed to inline Markdown: author, authors, organization, address, contact, version, revision, status, date, copyright, dedication, abstract. A classic use-case is to specify 'orphan' documents, that are not specified in any toctrees. For example, inserting the following syntax at the top of a page will cause Sphinx to treat it as an orphan page: ```md --- orphan: true --- This is an orphan document, not specified in any toctrees. ``` :::{seealso} Top-matter is also used for the [substitution syntax extension](syntax/substitutions), and can be used to store information for blog posting (see [ablog's myst-parser support](https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/markdown/)). ::: (syntax/html_meta)= ### Setting HTML Metadata The front-matter can contain the special key `html_meta`; a dict with data to add to the generated HTML as [`` elements](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta). This is equivalent to using the [RST `meta` directive](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#html-metadata). HTML metadata can also be added globally in the `conf.py` *via* the `myst_html_meta` variable, in which case it will be added to all MyST documents. For each document, the `myst_html_meta` dict will be updated by the document level front-matter `html_meta`, with the front-matter taking precedence. :::{tabbed} Sphinx Configuration ```python language = "en" myst_html_meta = { "description lang=en": "metadata description", "description lang=fr": "description des métadonnées", "keywords": "Sphinx, MyST", "property=og:locale": "en_US" } ``` ::: :::{tabbed} MyST Front-Matter ```yaml --- html_meta: "description lang=en": "metadata description" "description lang=fr": "description des métadonnées" "keywords": "Sphinx, MyST" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ``` ::: :::{tabbed} RestructuredText ```restructuredtext .. meta:: :description lang=en: metadata description :description lang=fr: description des métadonnées :keywords: Sphinx, MyST :property=og:locale: en_US ``` ::: :::{tabbed} HTML Output ```html ``` ::: (syntax/comments)= ## Comments You may add comments by putting the `%` character at the beginning of a line. This will prevent the line from being parsed into the output document. For example, this code: ```md % my comment ``` Is below, but it won't be parsed into the document. % my comment ````{important} Since comments are a block-level entity, they will terminate the previous block. In practical terms, this means that the following lines will be broken up into two paragraphs, resulting in a new line between them: ``` a line % a comment another line ``` a line % a comment another line ```` (syntax/blockbreaks)= ## Block Breaks You may add a block break by putting `+++` at the beginning of a line. This constuct's intended use case is for mapping to cell based document formats, like [jupyter notebooks](https://jupyter.org/), to indicate a new text cell. It will not show up in the rendered text, but is stored in the internal document structure for use by developers. For example, this code: ```md +++ some text ``` Is below, but it won't be parsed into the document. +++ (syntax/targets)= ## Targets and Cross-Referencing Targets are used to define custom anchors that you can refer to elsewhere in your documentation. They generally go before section titles so that you can easily refer to them. :::{tip} If you'd like to *automatically* generate targets for each of your section headers, check out the [](syntax/header-anchors) section of extended syntaxes. ::: Target headers are defined with this syntax: ```md (header_target)= ``` They can then be referred to with the [ref inline role](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-ref): ```md {ref}`header_target` ``` By default, the reference will use the text of the target (such as the section title), but also you can directly specify the text: ```md {ref}`my text ` ``` For example, see this ref: {ref}`syntax/targets`, and here's a ref back to the top of this page: {ref}`my text `. Alternatively using the markdown syntax: ```md [my text](header_target) ``` is equivalent to using the [any inline role](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-any): ```md {any}`my text ` ``` but can also accept "nested" syntax (like bold text) and will recognise document paths that include extensions (e.g. `using/syntax` or `using/syntax.md`) Using the same example, see this ref: [](syntax/targets), here is a reference back to the top of this page: [my text with **nested** $\alpha$ syntax](example_syntax), and here is a reference to another page (`[](intro.md)`): [](intro.md). ```{note} If you wish to have the target's title inserted into your text, you can leave the "text" section of the markdown link empty. For example, this markdown: `[](syntax.md)` will result in: [](syntax.md). ``` ## Images MyST provides a few different syntaxes for including images in your documentation. The standard Markdown syntax is: ```md ![fishy](img/fun-fish.png) ``` ![fishy](img/fun-fish.png) But you can also enable extended image syntaxes, to control attributes like width and captions. See the [extended image syntax guide](syntax/images). (syntax/footnotes)= ## Footnotes Footnotes use the [pandoc specification](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#footnotes). Their labels **start with `^`** and can then be any alpha-numeric string (no spaces), which is case-insensitive. - If the label is an integer, then it will always use that integer for the rendered label (i.e. they are manually numbered). - For any other labels, they will be auto-numbered in the order which they are referenced, skipping any manually numbered labels. All footnote definitions are collected, and displayed at the bottom of the page (in the order they are referenced). Note that un-referenced footnote definitions will not be displayed. ```md - This is a manually-numbered footnote reference.[^3] - This is an auto-numbered footnote reference.[^myref] [^myref]: This is an auto-numbered footnote definition. [^3]: This is a manually-numbered footnote definition. ``` - This is a manually-numbered footnote reference.[^3] - This is an auto-numbered footnote reference.[^myref] [^myref]: This is an auto-numbered footnote definition. [^3]: This is a manually-numbered footnote definition. Any preceding text after a footnote definitions, which is indented by four or more spaces, will also be included in the footnote definition, and the text is rendered as MyST Markdown, e.g. ```md A longer footnote definition.[^mylongdef] [^mylongdef]: This is the _**footnote definition**_. That continues for all indented lines - even other block elements Plus any preceding unindented lines, that are not separated by a blank line This is not part of the footnote. ``` A longer footnote definition.[^mylongdef] [^mylongdef]: This is the _**footnote definition**_. That continues for all indented lines - even other block elements Plus any preceding unindented lines, that are not separated by a blank line This is not part of the footnote. ````{important} Although footnote references can be used just fine within directives, e.g.[^myref], it it recommended that footnote definitions are not set within directives, unless they will only be referenced within that same directive: ```md [^other] [^other]: A definition within a directive ``` [^other] [^other]: A definition within a directive This is because, in the current implementation, they may not be available to reference in text above that particular directive. ```` By default, a transition line (with a `footnotes` class) will be placed before any footnotes. This can be turned off by adding `myst_footnote_transition = False` to the config file.